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「国連リポート : 持続可能な開発のためのエネルギー指標」にみる国々の姿


プレスリリース / U.N. Economic and Social Council(ENV/DEV/934 IAEA/1368 ),8 May 2007
United Nations report says Energy indicators can help achieve sustainable development goals

" Energy indicators for sustainable development represent an important component in the national analysis and planning tool kit for achieving sustainable development, according to a new report issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
The report, Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development: Country Studies on Brazil, Cuba, Lithuania, Mexican, Russian Federation, Slovakia and Thailand, was launched in New York today at the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, which is focusing on energy, climate change, air pollution and industrial development.
The 463-page volume presents examples of how energy indicators ?- such as energy use per capita, share of renewable energy, share of households without electricity, per capita greenhouse gas emissions from energy production and use ?- are developed at the national level, how they can be used to assess national energy systems and how they assist in reviewing the effectiveness of policies undertaken or planned. "

Front_cover_1-----image(”cover”) & text : Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development: Country Studies on Brazil, Cuba, Lithuania, Mexico, Russian Federation, Slovakia and Thailand(Download full publication)より
This publication presents seven national case studies from a coordinated research project on Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development conducted during the 2002-2005. "

UN Reports Energy Indicators Help with Renewable Development -----Renewable Energy Access,2007/05/18




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« 残飯など肥料・飼料に有効にリサイクル 食品リサイクル法改正案、閣議決定 / クリッピング JFS | トップページ | 平成18年度 エネルギーに関する年次報告書(エネルギー白書) / 資源エネルギー庁公開 »




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« 残飯など肥料・飼料に有効にリサイクル 食品リサイクル法改正案、閣議決定 / クリッピング JFS | トップページ | 平成18年度 エネルギーに関する年次報告書(エネルギー白書) / 資源エネルギー庁公開 »