Wind power ready to meet looming energy gap, says report / 参考資料 Global Wind Energy Council(風力は、石油の供給不足を埋めることができる)
-----image (cover) & text : 参考資料紹介のページより-----Global Wind Energy Council,06 / 09 / 2006
" ..........As a result, the report estimates that a serious shortfall between demand and supply could become evident soon after 2010. It predicts there could be a 10% shortfall by 2020 and an 18% short fall by 2030.
Eventually this gap will be filled by a mix of technologies ranging from renewables, coal and nuclear. The report concludes that wind power, as a safe, carbon-neutral, economic and indigenous energy resource, is the best choice to fill the electricity generation gap left by gas.
.......... "
・International Action Programme: REN21 Follow-up(Latest IAP Implemen- tation Report published)-----REN21,28 Nov 2006
・再生可能エネルギーの発電能力、日本は伸び悩み-----Japan For Sustainability 情報データーベース、20061227
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