« 防げ野鳥の衝突死 風力発電の被害 東京で国際シンポ 道内16件確認 / クリッピング 北海道新聞 | トップページ | 「自然エネルギー20/20」キャンペーンが開始されました。賛同者募集中! »

Solar: California's Rising Star / クリッピング Renewable Energy Access(カリフォルニア、太陽光発電に本気モード)

" With a $3 billion state budget, the promise of 40,000 new jobs and more than $325 million in venture capital from Silicon Valley investors, California's solar industry seems poised for stellar growth. "
-----Renewable Energy Access,2006/11/10

Schwarzenegger signs law to fight global warming-----Reuters,Wed Sep 27

" In a move backers hope will inspire other states to follow suit, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a pioneering law on Wednesday aimed at reducing the state's greenhouse gas emissions.
The most populous U.S. state seeks to reduce its emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, a cut of around 25 percent. "


The Vote Solar Initiative

" We believe that it is better to invest in technologies of the future rather than technologies of the past. "

Go Solar California

 のトップページには、”California has set a goal to create 3,000 megawatts of new,solar-produced electricity by 2017.
From this page, you'llbe able to go to the websites for solar on new or existing home aand solar for businesses,schools and public buildings.”とある。2017年かでに、 3,000 megawattsとは!?

Solar Powers Up, Sans Silicon-----Wired News,Nov, 06, 2006

California Advised to Adopt 50% Renewable Power Goal-----Renewable Energy Access,2006/05/25

" At the opening session of the California Geothermal Summit held at the University of California (UC) Davis Alumni Center, the head of the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) told state energy officials that California should set a goal of producing 50 percent of its energy from renewable energy resources by 2025. "


Geothermal Energy Association


・CPUC Releases New Draft Ruling on California Solar Initiative / クリッピング Renewable Energy Access

" The California Public Utilities Commission released a 136-page draft ruling this week on the California Solar Initiative that takes many steps forward from the previous version and includes a number of recommendations from the various California solar industry representatives. "

-----Renewable Energy Access,2006/08/01

California Public Utilities Commission
 / Solar Iniatiative( California Solar Incentive Program )
 / 136-page draft

Million Solar Roofs Bill Heads to the Governor's Desk -----Renewable Energy Access,2006/08/15

The Blog - Office ot the Governor-,Environment,8/21/2006

New Web site to strengthen solar market in New Home Construction -----New Solar Homes ,CA,GOV / Background

New Solar Homes Partnership

" California Sets Goal to Develop 3,000 Megawatts of Solar Power!
At the direction of Governor Schwarzenegger, the California Solar Initiative was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on January 12, 2006. The initiative creates a $2.8 billion ten-year program to put solar on a million roofs in the state. "


The Time Is Now: A Vision for U.S. Renewable Energy / クリッピング (アメリカの再生可能エネルギー利用の現状と未来に関するリポート)-----ソフトエネルギー、2006/09/27

Statement by Gov. Schwarzenegger on Historic Agreement with Legislature to Combat Global Warming(シュワルツネッガー知事のコメント- 米カリフォルニア州議会は、地球温暖化対策法を可決) / プレスリリース Office of the Governor-----しなやかな技術研究会、2006/09/14

サイプレスCEO:「エネルギー問題の解決には戦略の転換が必要」 / クリッピング CNET Japan-----ソフトエネルギー、2006/08/21

薄膜太陽電池の新興企業、大量生産に向け資金獲得 / クリッピング CNET Japan-----ソフトエネルギー、2006/06/26

Governor Schwarzenegger Announces One Million Solar Roofs by 2018 / プレスリリース California /OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR-----ソフトエネルギー、2005/03/08


« 防げ野鳥の衝突死 風力発電の被害 東京で国際シンポ 道内16件確認 / クリッピング 北海道新聞 | トップページ | 「自然エネルギー20/20」キャンペーンが開始されました。賛同者募集中! »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: Solar: California's Rising Star / クリッピング Renewable Energy Access(カリフォルニア、太陽光発電に本気モード):

« 防げ野鳥の衝突死 風力発電の被害 東京で国際シンポ 道内16件確認 / クリッピング 北海道新聞 | トップページ | 「自然エネルギー20/20」キャンペーンが開始されました。賛同者募集中! »