The Time Is Now: A Vision for U.S. Renewable Energy / クリッピング (アメリカの再生可能エネルギー利用の現状と未来に関するリポート)
" Report finds America poised for a major energy shift.
American Energy: The Renewable Path to Energy Security, a report just released by the Worldwatch Institute and the Center for American Progress, details how the emerging renewable energy industries can address U.S. energy demands, national security, and the environment, as well as similar concerns around the globe. "-----Renewable Energy Access,2006/09/20
・American Energy Now
" The United States led the world into the oil age in the 20th century. In the 21st century, we can lead the way out. With the security risks of petroleum dependence growing, and the environmental costs of fossil fuels becoming more apparent, the country faces compelling reasons to put renewable energy technologies to use on a large scale.
If there was ever a time when a major shift in the U.S. energy economy was possible, it is now. Three decades of pioneering research and development by both the government and the private sector have yielded a host of promising new technologies that turn abundant domestic energy sources-including solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, biomass, and ocean energy-into transportation fuels, electricity, and heat. "
/ The Time Is Now: A Vision for U.S. Renewable Energy(pdf書類を上記サイトよりダウンロードできます。
・Worldwatch Institute / Just Released American Energy - The Renewable Path to Energy Security(Printed Ver.)
(image :カバーイメージも同サイトより)
"Today, renewable resources provide just over 6 percent of total U.S. energy, but that figure couldincrease rapidly in the years ahead."
現状の内訳は、太陽(Solar :光と熱)が1%。風力が2%。地熱が、6%。水力が45%、バイオマスが47%だという。
"Mounting solar panels on just half of this area could supply nearly 30% of U.S. electricity."(p.20)
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