Northern Ireland leading the way on green energy - Hain(北アイルランドで自然エネルギー利用住宅などが推進される)/ プレスリリース 北アイルランド行政府
" The Government is proposing changes to the Building Regulations which will make the use of renewable energy compulsory in all new builds from 2008, Secretary of State Peter Hain MP said today.
The changes, which all apply to all new homes, company and public buildings, will make micro-generation, such as solar panels to heat hot water, solar photo voltaic panels on roofs to generate electricity or small wind turbines for houses, mandatory in under two years."-----Northern Ireland Office,Monday 24 July 2006
・Northern Ireland Proposes Mandatory Solar or Wind on All New Buildings
" The funds four board areas are Research and Development (£15.2m); Accelerated deployment (£35); Building Markey Capacity (£2.5m) and Underpinning Knowledge (£65m). "
・The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) / News from the Centre -Government - / Government stalls on energy crisis
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