« ソーラーシングルが太陽電池のおさまりを変える! | トップページ | ドイツ ソーラータワー型太陽熱発電所の実証試験設備の建設を開始 / クリッピング EICネット 海外ニュース »



議長総括で北朝鮮ミサイル、拉致に懸念…サミット閉幕-----YOMIURI ONLINE,2006年7月17日


Focus: Atomic chicken-----The Sunday Times,July 16, 2006



Global Energy Security-----G8 SUMMIT2006,St. Petersburg, July 16, 2006


" 33. A large-scale use of renewable energy will make a significant contribution to long-term energy supply without adverse impact on climate. The renewable solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal energy resources are becoming increasingly cost competitive with conventional fuels, and a wide variety of current applications are already cost-effective. Therefore, we reaffirm our commitment to implement measures set out in the Gleneagles Plan of Action.

34. We welcome the work of interested parties in international mechanisms and programs dealing with renewable energy, including the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program (REEEP), the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), and the Mediterranean Renewable Energy Partnership (MEDREP). We welcome the establishment of the Global Bio-Energy Partnership (GBEP). We will work in partnership with developing countries to foster the use of renewable energy.

35. We will continue enhancing international cooperation in using the potential of biomass, and advanced sustainable forest management practices. Both help to diversify local energy consumption and make an important contribution to carbon sequestration, as well as furthering a wide range of economic and environmental benefits.

36. We shall promote international cooperation in the area of forest management, primarily in addressing deforestation and forest degradation, the trade in illegally harvested timber and forest fires. We note that deforestation has a significant impact on climate change (resulting, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in an actual 25% increase in yearly greenhouse gas emissions). We reaffirm the importance of tackling illegal logging and agree to take further action, with each country taking steps where it can contribute most effectively. This should include the promotion of sustainable forest management and the incorporation of appropriate measures to address illegal logging in relevant national policies of both timber-producing and consuming countries. We welcome recent international forest-related policy initiatives including the St. Petersburg Ministerial Conference Declaration on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance in Europe and North Asia, and initiatives of the United Nation Forum on Forests (UNFF), UNFCCC, the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and Asia Forest Partnership (AFP).  "

行動計画を発表 G8サミット年内に省エネ目標 エネルギー安保-----西日本新聞、2006年07月17

G-8 Countries Endorse Nuclear Power for First Time in 15 Years -----Bloomberg.com,July 17


« ソーラーシングルが太陽電池のおさまりを変える! | トップページ | ドイツ ソーラータワー型太陽熱発電所の実証試験設備の建設を開始 / クリッピング EICネット 海外ニュース »


・Civil G8 ? is your opportunity
List of web-sites on Energy and Climat
Final documents of the Forum "Civil G8 - 2006", July, 3-4

投稿: 追加情報 G8 Civil | 2006/07/31 18:46

・ロシアの参加は不吉?G8サミット(先進国首脳会談)-----ん! - ピークオイル時代を語ろう -、2006-07-20

投稿: 追加情報 | 2006/07/24 11:40

・G8 Energy Security Plan Relies on Oil, Nuclear and Renewables-----Environment News Service,July 16, 2006

投稿: 追加情報 | 2006/07/18 12:45



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« ソーラーシングルが太陽電池のおさまりを変える! | トップページ | ドイツ ソーラータワー型太陽熱発電所の実証試験設備の建設を開始 / クリッピング EICネット 海外ニュース »