U.S. and Canada to have record growth of wind this year / クリッピング Refocus Weekly
" U.S. wind capacity will grow from 6,800 MW last year to 21,700 MW by 2010, while Canada will experience faster growth from 500 MW in 2004 to 4,500 MW by the end of the decade, it predicts. After a “dismal” year in 2004 when new wind installations were less than half of 2003 levels, the annual investment in wind this year will surpass the US$2 billion mark for the first time.
Windfarms have become commercially viable sources of power for utilities in both countries and,.......... "
(Refocus Weekly),January 12, 2005
・Tennessee Wind Farm Expands to Generate More Clean Power / クリッピング ENN(AP)
" When the farm opened with three turbines in 2001, it generated a mere 2 megawatts of electricity, enough for just 360 homes. But the December addition of 15 larger turbines -- each as tall as a 26-story building -- boosted the capacity to 29 megawatts, enough for 3,000 homes. "
-----ENN,January 07, 2005
ルーズベルト大統領のニューディール政策により生まれた電力会社でもあるTVA(Tennessee Valley Authority)のTVA Power Factsには、さらに詳しいテネシーの電力事情についての情報が記されている。
" TVA's renewable energy program, Green Power Switchィ, generated the remainder of the fiscal year 2003 power. "
・Green Power Switchィ
・US/Canada Wind Power Markets & Strategies 2004 - 2010-----emerging-energy.com, Dec 20, 2004
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