なお、選択しているギアと走行速度に合わせてパワフルでなめらかな乗り心地を実現する当社独自の機構「S.P.E.C.3(スペックスリー/Shift Position Electric Control × 内装3段変速)」やトリプルセンサーシステム、残りアシスト走行可能距離※2が表示できる3ファンクションメーターなど、通常のPASシリーズの車両で好評の機能も搭載しています。
また、このPAS GEAR CARGOは、ヤマト運輸株式会社様での採用が既に決定しています。
なお、バッテリー残量と選択している走行モードから算出した残りアシスト走行可能距離や、消費カロリー、走行スピード、アシストパワーなども表示できる“液晶マルチファンクションメーター”(アシストオフモードを含む4つの走行モード付き)、選択しているギアと走行速度に合わせて発進時から加速、巡行時、全域で最適なアシスト力の設定を可能にする当社独自の機構「S.P.E.C.8(スペックエイト/Shift Position Electric Control × 内装8段変速)」、安心の製品保証期間など、従来から好評の特徴は継承しています。
One of the highlights on the Audi stand is the bicycle technology concept known as the Audi e-bike Wörthersee – a sport bike that does not fit into any of the usual categories. It is neither a pedelec nor a conventional bike, but is best described as a high-end pedelec made by Audi for sport, fun and tricks. The Audi e-bike Wörthersee combines the Audi brand’s principal competences – design, ultra, connect and e-tron – and explores the limits of what is technically feasible in terms of design, lightweight construction, networking and electric mobility.
This show bike is futuristic at the very first glance – a bike for tomorrow and beyond. All its components, even the pedals, have been shaped by Audi’s designers, for instance the 26-inch wheels made from CFRP that weigh only 600 grams (1.32 lb) each and have innovative large-area blade-pattern spokes.
The Audi e-bike Wörthersee’s ultra-light carbon-fiber frame weighs only 1,600 grams (3.53 lb). It makes use of bionic principles derived from nature. Material reinforcements are needed only at the points where loads actually occur. The swinging arm for the rear wheel is also made of CFRP. All in all, the Audi e-bike Wörthersee represents the full extent of the brand’s expertise in ultra-lightweight design.
The rear wheel is driven by a chain. The electric motor is a permanent magnet synchronous machine; it is located at the lowest point on the frame and drives the bottom bracket shaft directly. Maximum torque at the rear wheel is in the region of 250 Nm (184.39 lb-ft). Peak output from the electric motor is 2.3 kW – a new top value on the e-bike scene. Excluding the battery, the complete bicycle weighs only 21 kg (46.30 lb), equivalent to a power-weight ratio of 9 kg (19.84 lb) per kilowatt, or 7 kg (15.43 lb) per horsepower – another record-breaking value.
The lithium-ion battery is housed in the frame; it weighs about 5 kg (11.02 lb) and operates at a voltage of 48 V. Its capacity is 530 Wh and it can be fully recharged from a 230 V supply in two and a half hours. As an alternative it can be easily detached from the bike and replaced by a recharged battery.
The rider of the Audi e-bike Wörthersee can choose between five programs; these either support use of the pedals or permit electric-only travel.
In the ‘Pure’ mode the rider only propels the bike by means of the pedals. In the ‘Pedelec’ mode the rider is assisted by the electric motor; a top speed of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) can be reached and the action radius is between 50 and 70 kilometers (31 and 44 miles). In the ‘eGrip’ program the Audi e-bike Wörthersee can be ridden with the electric motor providing all the necessary power; in this case at speeds up to 50 km/h (31 mph). The rider controls the power output from the electric motor at a twistgrip and can configure it at the on-board computer.
In ‘Wheelie’ mode the power flow is electronically controlled in order to assist the rider when the front wheel is in the air. Alternative operating modes are available, and can be selected by smartphone or directly at the e-bike: either ‘Power Wheelie’ with an adjustable wheelie angle for less skilled riders, or ‘Balanced Wheelie’ for those with more experience. In the latter mode the rider’s balance is maintained electronically: as his or her weight is displaced forward or back, this is counteracted by either braking or accelerating the electric motor.
In this way the rider can influence the speed when riding on the rear wheel only by shifting his or her weight. Leaning forward speeds up the bike, leaning back slows it down. If the rider wants to use the pedals and maintain a constant power input, the training mode can be chosen. The electric motor then makes good the extra power needed when riding into the wind or up a hill, so that the rider’s performance can be kept constant for training purposes.
The Audi e-bike Wörthersee has a varied specification. The nine-speed hydraulically actuated gear shift has a very rapid sequential action, similar to the R tronic transmission in an Audi R8. The two disk brakes are also applied hydraulically. Seat height can be continuously adjusted at a handlebar control, even while the bike is being ridden. The front fork uses the more complex ‘upside-down’ principle; it is air-sprung, with 130 mm (5.12 in) of travel. LEDs are used for powerful lighting: the front light is integrated into the handlebar, the rear light into the seat.
The on-board computer is located in the frame top tube and operated using a touchscreen. Among the functions it provides are riding mode selection, recording trick sequences and adjustment of various e-bike functions such as electric pedaling assistance and lighting. The display shows road speed, distance covered, state of battery charge, energy consumption and slope angle at any given moment.
The rider’s smartphone communicates by WLAN with the bike’s computer. The antenna is integrated into the front brake line. To ride the bike, the immobilizer is deactivated at the smartphone; the bike is then ready for use. In addition, by way of the interface between the bike’s computer and the smartphone, video images recorded while riding or even complete trick sequences can be transmitted to the Internet or the trainer. Every trick performed successfully qualifies for success points. As the number of points increases, the rider is rewarded and at the same time the challenge level rises. The total Internet ranking can be compared with friends or other riders. The rider can locate them by way of Facebook entries that can be shown on the Audi e-bike Wörthersee’s display.
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6月23日にサンフランシスコで行われた自転車音楽祭 Bicycle Music Festival 2012の様子を伝えるYouTubeのビデオクリップが掲載されています。
" ・Enhanced driving experience with powerful 350-Watt bottom-bracket motor
・Drive-off support - cycling without the muscle power
・Bosch now an established supplier on the electric bike market, too
Bosch is debuting its new eBike drive system with the "Drive Unit 45" at the "Eurobike" international trade show in Friedrichshafen from August 31 to September 3, 2011. Compared with the existing standard drive for speeds of up to 25 km/h, the new drive enables speeds of up to 45 km/h, thereby allowing electric bikers to reach their destinations even faster with plenty of power in reserve.
Off to a smooth start with drive-off suppor
The new drive-off support feature is exclusive to the new “Drive Unit 45”. No pedal power is required to start the eBike, just the electric drive itself. No matter what gear is selected, it enables speeds of between six and 18 km/h to be reached without muscle power.
Powerful electric motor with energy in reserve
The driving force behind the new drive system is the powerful 350-Watt electric motor, which can generate output as high as 500 Watts for short periods with up to 50 Newton-meters of torque. These values clearly show that there is no shortage of energy reserves for effective thrust, even at high speeds or off-road. All this, and the battery still has a range of between 40 and 105 km depending on mode and terrain.
With outstanding Bosch reliability as standard
The eBike drive from Bosch is powerful, robust and maintenance-free. It is capable of withstanding puddles and rain as well as impact from flying stones when riding off-road.
Bosch engineers were exacting in the development of the drive. Drawing on the experience of the world's leading automotive supplier, they subjected it to tough environmental conditions such as salt mist, industrial conditions and extreme temperature changes.
High-speed eBikes no longer bicycles in the eyes of the law
Motor-assisted eBikes capable of exceeding 25 km/h are no longer considered bicycles in the eyes of the law in many countries. In Germany, for example, the manufacturer or importer has to obtain model approval (homologation) from TUV. To ride a high-speed eBike in Germany, the minimum requirements are a moped license and a vehicle plate. What's more, eBikes can only be used on cycle paths if these have been approved for mopeds.
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・Bosch eBike Systems / Drive Unit
- www.bosch-ebike.de/media/ebike/dokumente/englisch/
Flyer_eBike_Speed_eng_final.pdf -より
" Drive Unit 45:
-Bottom bracket motor
Support up to 45 km/h
Rated or nominal power: 350 W (max. 500 W)
40 Nm nominal/50 Nm peak
-The supporting torque is directly transferred on the crank.
Pedal speed
f Weight: <4 kg (excluding fixation set)
ヤマハ発動機は、スポーティカジュアルモデルの電動アシスト自転車2011年モデルを発表しました。PAS Brace Lと、新製品の女性用 PAS VIENTAの2種です。両方とも残りのアシスト走行可能距離も表示できる"液晶マルチファンクションメーター"採用。このファンクションメーターは、走行スピードや消費カロリー、平均速度、積算走行距離、アシストレベル、バッテリー残量なども表示することができる。
「PAS VIENTA」は、女性ユーザーでも最適な乗車姿勢をとりやすく、乗り降りしやすいフレームやハンドルの形状、角度にこだわり、使いやすさも向上しています。またポップでカラフルなカラーリングや大きなグラフィックを採用するなど、スタイリッシュな外観に仕上げました。
さらに選択しているギアと走行速度に合わせて発進時から加速、巡行時、全域で最適なアシスト力の設定を可能にする当社独自の機構「S.P.E.C.8(スペックエイト/Shift Position Electric Control × 内装8段変速)」を採用。アシスト性能も新たに作り込み、スポーティで軽快な走行性能を実現しました。
加えて新開発した "液晶マルチファンクションメーター"を採用。業界初※1となるバッテリー残量と選択している走行モードから、アシスト走行が可能な残りの距離※2を表示したり、走行スピードや消費カロリー※2、平均速度、積算走行距離、アシストレベル、バッテリー残量などの情報も一目で分かる新機能により、安心で便利なだけでなく、使う楽しみの幅を広げます。またサイクル寿命※3を従来比約2倍※4に伸ばした6.0Ahの"長生きバッテリー"の採用や業界最長※1の製品保証期間の設定など、より安心して使用できるモデルとしました。