" Boeing (NYSE: BA) and American Airlines today showcased a Next-Generation 737-800 airplane known as ecoDemonstrator in Washington, D.C., to highlight testing of environmentally progressive technologies. The visit to the nation's capital follows extensive flight testing in Glasgow, Montana, where it flew a series of missions designed to test and accelerate advanced technologies that increase fuel efficiency and reduce airplane noise.
Top officials from Boeing, American Airlines, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) held a joint news conference at Reagan National Airport to highlight innovation and collaboration among government and industry.
Other technologies on the 2012 ecoDemonstrator airplane include variable area fan nozzles, active engine vibration reduction, a regenerative fuel cell, and testing of flight trajectory optimization to enable more efficient routing for fuel savings. With fuel now the leading operating expenditure for airlines worldwide and increasingly stringent environmental regulations, improving fuel efficiency and reducing carbon and noise emissions is a top priority for the aviation sector.
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プレスリリース / PC-Aero,July 29, 2011
・Press Centre / Lindbergh Prize for Electric Aircraft Vision Award Given to the Electric
Aircraft ELEKTRA ONE from PC-Aero(PDF)
" The seventh Lindbergh Prize for Electric Aircraft focuses on the vision for integrated electric power.
PC-Aero is the winner of the Lindbergh Prize for Electric Aircraft Vision Award for their integration of Solar World’s solar technology into their ELEKTRA ONE aircraft and the supporting hangar. Their vision is for the
energy from the rooftop solar cells to not only provide power to the aircraft but also the hanger itself and excess energy to feed back to the power grid.
Today at the World Electric Aircraft Symposium at EAA’s AirVenture, Erik Lindbergh,
founder of LEAP, announced the 2011 AirVenture winner of the Lindbergh Prize for
Electric Aircraft.
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" The electric-powered Elektra One from PC-Aero received the Lindbergh Prize for Electric Aircraft Vision Award on Friday, July 29, 2011, at the giant EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2011 air show in Oshkosh, Wis. The award recognizes the aircraft system, which includes wing-borne SolarWorld photovoltaic cells to extend flight time as well as a charging hangar powered by SolarWorld solar "
" Advantages:
- more than three hours flight time
- over 400 km range
- cruise at 160 km/h
- CO2-emission zero in conjunction with a Solar Hangar
- very low noise level (propeller speed for cruising at 1400 RPM)
- operating costs below 35 Euro/hour and 0.2 Euro/km
- a total system (aircraft + hangar + power) for less than 100,000 Euro
- very easy and safe to fly
- attractive design
number of seats 1
maximum weight 300 kg
wing span 8,6 m
wing surface 6,4 m2
maximum engine power 16 kW
empty weight
(without batteries)
100 kg
max. batteries 100 kg
payload 100 kg
max. range over 400 km
max. endurance over 3 hours "
太陽のエネルギーだけで世界を一周する飛行に挑もうとしている、ソーラーインパルス Solar Impulse 号のチームは、初の国際飛行を成功成功させました。5月13日に飛び立ち、スイスのパイエルヌからベルギーのブリュッセルまで約500kmを13時間で飛行したということです。さっそく、飛行のビデオクリップが公開されました。久しぶりに”高揚”する動画を見ることができました。
トロント大学の航空宇宙研究所 University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies は、人力飛行機プロジェクトHuman-Powered Ornithopter (HPO) Project を学生たちが中心となって続けてきたということです。それは、ダ・ビンチが構想した、はばたく人力飛行機 オーニソプターで、製作を続けてきたということです。
スノーバードと命名された、この羽ばたき飛行機は、重量がわずか43kgで翼長32m、減量して飛行に望んだ搭乗員トッド・ライヘルト Todd Reichertさんの体重を入れても、114.3kgという大変軽量な人力飛行機です。機体の構造はカーボン素材で造られ、まずは通常のグライダーのように車で牽引して滑空、その後羽ばたきを開始、19.3秒間飛行して145メートルを飛行したということです。
" Fulfils aeronautical dream first envisioned by da Vinci
On July 31st and August 2nd, 2010 the Snowbird succeeded in completing several sustained flights!! On the longest flight the altitude and airspeed were maintained for 19.3 seconds, setting a world first, and achieving the age-old aeronautical dream of self-powered flapping wing flight! The accomplishment of our goal is a success shared by all, and I must thank everyone who was involved for their help, sponsorship, advice, or simply for their interest in our project, which has motivated us when times where hard.
Please check out the media section of our website for pictures and video.
So what’s next?
As much as we would love to keep flying the aircraft, the failure of the drive line on the last flight of the day on August 2nd reminded us of the reality of the project. Fortunately the line broke in such a way that the wings were spared, but there are many parts where we have seen fatigue wear, and the risk of destroying a historical artifact is not worth the reward. Additionally, the pilot's training cycle, tapering period and weight loss phase (18 lbs in 4 weeks) were very specifically timed for the flight, and any further flights this season would be unlikely to result in longer records.
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-----image(”Model:Firefly Technology Demonstration Aircraft-Description:July 29, 2010, OSHKOSH, Wisconsin - Show visitors crowd around the Firefly at the Sikorsky Innovations booth at EAA.”) : 同リリースhttp://www.sikorsky.com/Products/Image+Galleryより
" Sikorsky Innovations, the technology development organization of Sikorsky Aircraft, today officially introduced “Project Firefly,” an all-electric helicopter technology demonstrator, at the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) AirVenture exhibition. Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).
The Firefly Technology Demonstration Aircraft at EAA is part of the world symposium on electric aircraft. The demonstrator is one of the main attractions in the Aviation Learning Center along with other state-of-the-art commercially available and prototype electric aircraft.
In building the demonstrator, the Innovations team replaced the legacy propulsion system of an S-300CTM helicopter with a high-efficiency, electric motor and digital controller from U.S. Hybrid, coupled with a lithium ion energy storage system from Gaia. Integrated sensors provide real-time aircraft health information to the pilot through a panel integrated interactive LCD monitor. Eagle Aviation Technologies, LLC, executed the custom airframe modifications and assembly of the demonstrator aircraft.
The demonstrator will feature a 190-horsepower electric motor, a motor controller, a battery system, and cockpit controls. First flight is anticipated later this year, upon completion of ground tests and safety of flight reviews in accordance with Sikorsky standard practice for all aircraft programs.
Features of the “Firefly” include:
・ All-electric drive system
・Safe and efficient high-density energy storage system
・Automated monitoring and alert technologies
・Next generation cockpit displays
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2012年に世界一周を目指すソーラーインパルス Solar Impulseは、4月7日に試作機(Solar Impulse HB-SIA)によるテスト飛行をスイスのPayerneで行い、約1時間半のテスト飛行を成功させました。テスト機は、2012年で使われる実機とほぼ同じ大きさでカーボンファイバーの機体の重さは約1.6tで、全長21.85m、翼長63.4m。両翼に取り付けられた12000枚の太陽電池とモーターなどのセッティングも確認されたようです。周到な準備期間を経て発表された、地道なプロジェクトの進行と今回の成功を一ファンとしてともに喜びたいと素直に思います。
" This morning at 10:27, the Solar Impulse HB-SIA took off from Payerne (VD) airfield on its maiden flight.
Under the eyes of thousands of spectators from all over Switzerland, Solar Impulse HB-SIA slowly climbed up to 1200 meters. The next 87 minutes Solar Impulse test pilot Markus Scherdel spent familiarizing himself with the prototype’s flight behaviour and performing the initial flight exercises before making the first landing on the Vaudois tarmac. The execution of these various manoeuvres (turns, simulating the approach phase) was designed to get a feel for the aircraft and verify its controllability.
“This first flight was for me a very intense moment!” exclaimed Solar Impulse test pilot Markus Scherdel, still under the emotion of the event, on stepping down from the aircraft. “The HB-SIA behaved just as the flight simulator told us! Despite its immense size and feather weight, the aircraft’s controllability matches our expectations!”
“This first mission was the most risky phase of the entire project. 1h27 of intense emotion after 7 years of research, testing and perseverance. Never has an airplane as large and light ever flown before! The aim was to verify the prototype’s behaviour in flight and to test its reaction to various manoeuvres. The success of this first flight allows us to envisage the further program with greater serenity!” said a delighted Andre Borschberg, CEO and co-founder of the project.
“We still have a long way to go until the night flights and an even longer way before flying round the world, but today, thanks to the extraordinary work of an entire team, an essential step towards achieving our vision has been taken”, adds Solar Impulse Chairman and initiator Bertrand Piccard. “Our future depends on our ability to convert rapidly to the use of renewable energies. Solar Impulse is intended to demonstrate what can be done already today by using these energies and applying new technologies that can save natural resources.”
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豪華な空の旅、大量の水素ガスを内部に蓄え、その水素を使って燃料電池駆動で電源を得ることができる、さらに太陽電池や風も利用する飛行船。そんなスカイクルージングをSamsung Construction and Trading (C&T)の依頼でSeymourpowell社が形にしました。題してシーモアパウエルのエアークールーズコンセプト Seymourpowell Aircruise Concept。
そこで提案されているのは、乗客百名のための378tもある高さ265mの巨大な空の城です。水素ガスは、上下に移動する浮力調節と搭載された燃料電池で電源の確保を可能にします。フレキシブルな外殻にとりつけらえた太陽電池も電源を供給し、風の助けをかりて飛行することもできます。まさに、ゆったりとした滞空経験を約束する巨大な空のホテルです。最大飛行高度は12,000 feet(3600m)、飛行速度は時速100-150kmで、ロンドン-ニューヨーク間を37時間の豪華な空の旅で結ぶことが可能だということです。
"Cruising speed without tail or headwind is 100 - 150 Km/hr. This equates to journey times that are appropriate to the cruise experience: London to New York in 37 hours; Los Angeles to Shanghai in 90 hours."-----以下リリースより
" Visionary concept work for Samsung C&T explores the future of travel and transport.
Leading design and innovation company Seymourpowell is today unveiling full details of its visionary transportation concept, Aircruise - a giant, vertical airship powered by natural energy and designed to carry travellers in style and luxury.
Originally a self-generated project, Seymourpowell's Aircruise is the concept design for a hotel in the sky, with low passenger numbers and huge internal spaces offering room for living, dining and relaxing, as well as scope for dramatic and inspirational public spaces. The initial design proposes a bar/lounge zone, four duplex apartments, a penthouse and five smaller apartments.
The concept subsequently captured the imagination of Korean giant Samsung Construction and Trading (C&T). Driven by its interest in new materials for building, Samsung C&T appointed Seymourpowell to refine the idea and produce a detailed computer animation of the proposed experience to illustrate this visionary approach to the future. The video can be viewed here:
Lifted by hydrogen and powered by solar energy, the Aircruise concept also has obvious environmental benefits. Seung Min Kim, design director at Samsung C&T commented, "This was a dream concept project for us, helping to realise a future of sustainable buildings combined with innovative and luxury lifestyle. In an age when environmental impact is a key consideration for architecture, we are keen to extend this vision of the future by searching for solutions that can be realised by 2015 - the year that many futurologists foresee as the turning point for the future."
Although only a conceptual proposal, the transportation design team at Seymourpowell developed a detailed and achievable technical specification for the craft. See below for further technical details.
Proposed conceptual specifications for Aircruise as follows:
From the docking rig at the base to the tip, the ship is 265 metres tall. Hydrogen, the lightest gas, is used as the lifting gas, and is capable of lifting around 1.2Kg per cubic metre of volume. Large PEM hydrogen fuel cells will provide on board power and some drinking water.
The volume of the main envelope in the ship is calculated at 330,000 cubic metres, which equals 396,000 Kg of available lift at sea level (1,000Kg = 1 Tonne (t)).
Estimated weights:
Primary structure, envelope and systems 270t (reference - around the same weight as an airbus A380 super jumbo, empty weight)
People (estimate max 100 people on board) 15t
Total load factor 378t
Available lift excess is therefore 18-20t or 20,000kg of lift.
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2012年に世界初の試みとなるソーラープレーン、ソーラーインパルス Solar Impulseによる世界一周飛行に向けて準備を進めているスイスの冒険家を中心としたチームは、チューリヒ近郊の 軍の飛行場デューベンドルフ(Dubendorf)で短いテスト機による飛行を終えたあと、同機をペイエルン Payernenに移送しました。そこで、3月中にもテスト機の本格的な飛行実験行う準備に入ったようです。