全球海洋観測アルゴ計画、観測ブイ Argo floats で海洋の酸性度の観測を開始
観測ブイ、アルゴフロート Argo floats は、黄色の約150cmの長さです。この観測ブイは、「浮力を調整する機能を内蔵し、予め設定された漂流深度(通常1000m)まで沈みます。一定期間(通常10日間程度)その深さで漂流した後、いったん観測最深層(通常2000m)まで降下してから海面に向かって浮上します。最深層から海面に浮上する間に水温や塩分等の鉛直分布を観測し、 海面浮上後にアンテナから電波を発射して衛星経由で観測データを伝送」することができます。
今回、アメリカ海洋大気庁(NOAA)とカナダの研究者らのグループは、このアルゴフロート Argo floatsで、海水の温度、溶存酸素、酸性度、全炭酸量のデーターから、海洋酸性度を計算する手法を確立したと発表しました。これにより海水の温度変化、二酸化炭素が海洋に吸収されることによる酸性化のメカニズムを解析、生物や海洋の環境調査に役立てるということです。
プレスリリース / NOAA,September 2, 2011
・Argo floats help monitor ocean acidity
-----image(”Dave O’Gorman prepares to deploy a PMEL Argo float off of the R/V Wecoma in 2007.-Credit: ARGO/NOAA”) : 同リリースより
" Scientists can now remotely monitor the ocean’s changing chemistry with help from some of the five-foot-tall Argo floats that drift with deep ocean currents and transmit data via satellite back to land. A new and innovative method shows how readings of the acidity (pH) and total carbon dioxide (CO2) content of seawater can help scientists understand changes in the chemistry of the world’s ocean.A U.S.-based research team and their Canadian colleagues developed the new approach by determining the relationships between seawater temperature, oxygen, pH and CO2 from observations collected on previous ship-based expeditions in the region in the last five years. These relationships were then applied to high-resolution observations of temperature and oxygen collected by an Argo float deployed in the North Pacific in early 2010.
The journal Geophysical Research Letters published the new method today. The authors are from NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle, JISAO, and colleagues from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in British Columbia and Quebec, Canada.To determine pH and total CO2 content, scientists need measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration; about 10 percent of the floats have the sensors that can measure dissolved oxygen.
The ocean’s absorption of CO2 causes the level of acidity in seawater to rise. This process, called ocean acidification, can have adverse effects on organisms that form calcium carbonate shells, such as corals, mussels, oysters, and feed stock for salmon like pteropods. The NOAA scientists and researchers at the University of Washington will continue investigating how organisms are impacted by these conditions.
-----image(”NOAA scientists use data from some of the floats in the Argo array to monitor changes in ocean chemistry.”-Credit: NOAA) : 同リリースより "
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