世界資源研究所 WRI、渇水、旱魃そして洪水など世界的な水資源の情報提供のため Aqueduct プロジェクトを開始
世界資源研究所 WRIは、各国政府、企業によびかけ、渇水、旱魃そして洪水など世界的な水資源の情報提供のため Aqueduct プロジェクトを開始すると発表しました。このプロジェクトでは、その成果を水資源リスク地図 Water Risk Atlas としてまとめ公開していくとのことです。現在は、黄河流域の一部が公開されています。やがては、順次世界中の水資源に関する情報が提供されるということです。
プレスリリース / World Resources Institute (WRI) ,August 16, 2011
・WRI and Partners Launch Aqueduct Alliance to Measure, Map, and Report on Global Water Risk
" Initiative to provide unprecedented level of water risk information for business and government
Recent water-related events - from extreme droughts across the southwestern United States to flooding in central China - provide vivid examples of the potential impacts of water on people, businesses, and local infrastructure. To assess and respond to increasing water risk globally, the World Resources Institute (WRI) is launching the Aqueduct Alliance, a consortium of leading water experts from the private and public sectors, NGOs, and academia. Founded by WRI, Goldman Sachs and General Electric, the alliance has added Bloomberg, The Dow Chemical Company, Talisman Energy, and United Technologies. The Coca-Cola Company is also engaged and will be providing an extensive global database of once proprietary water risk information to support Aqueduct’s work.
In a survey of 150 large corporations conducted by CDP Water Disclosure, nearly 40 percent of responding companies indicated that they had already experienced disruptions in operations, increases in expenses, and other detrimental impacts related to water. Against a backdrop of rapid population growth and climate change, government entities charged with managing water resources are also increasingly concerned with water-related disruptions and seeking viable approaches for mitigating risks.
.......... "
・World Resources Projects : Aqueduct
/ The Water Risk Atlas Framework
/ Water Risk Atlas
・Aqueduct: Understanding Water-Related Risks and Opportunities-----World Resources Institute,December 7, 2010
-----image(”The Water Risk Atlas’ interactive map of water risk in the Yellow River basin in China.”):上記記事より
・Carbon Disclosure Project - Global climate change reporting system
/ Carbon Disclosure Project reveals water constraints now a boardroom issue for global corporations
/ reports - CDP Water Disclosure
・Mapping a Healthier Future: How Spatial Analysis Can Guide Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Planning in Uganda-----orld Resources Institute,October, 2009
・日本の国別環境指標ランキング2010(Environmental Performance Index)は、20位-----しなやかな技術研究会、2010/02/02
[ カテゴリー : 資源 水 ]
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