GM、太陽光発電システムに新たに投資。電気自動車用 Volt用ソーラーカーポートなども開発
General Motors(GM)は、投資専門の子会社 General Motors Ventures を通じて、さまざまな太陽光発電システムの事業を行う Sunlogics 社に、750万ドルの投資を行うと発表しました。GM全体で、現在30MWpの太陽光発電関連のシステムを採用しており、さらに数年をかけて倍の60MWpへと増やす方針です。これらは、工場や関連施設の屋根や土地を利用してすすめられており、先日も以下のようなプロジェクトを行っています。
今回のサンロジックス Sunlogics 社への投資では、同社の開発した電気自動車用のカーポートやシボレー・ボルト Chevy Volt専用のソーラー付き駐車場 Chevrolet solar charging canopy などを関連施設への配備も行うということです。
プレスリリース / General Motors,2011-08-01
・GM Ventures Invests in Solar Power Developer Sunlogics
-----image : 同リリースより。下-”the Chevrolet solar charging canopy project complements our electrification strategy that started with the Chevrolet Volt by helping our cars live up to their fullest green potential”-----
" ・Investment strengthens GM’s Clean Energy Commitment ・Global solar electric output equivalent to powering 10,000 homes annuallyGeneral Motors Ventures LLC announced today an equity investment of $7.5 million inSunlogics PLC, a vertically integrated global solar energy systems provider specializing in solar project development and installation. The investment will create 310 jobs.
GM also signed commercial agreements with Sunlogics for the installation of solar charging canopies at Chevrolet dealerships and GM facilities, as well as a power purchase agreement to install large-scale solar arrays at GM facilities and purchase the energy they produce.
Sunlogics will use some of the funding to establish its corporate headquarters and open a manufacturing facility in suburban Detroit, and to set up a manufacturing facility in Ontario. The facility in Southeast Michigan will create 200 jobs and the Canadian facility will support 110 jobs.
“Global solar energy use is predicted to more than double by 2016, so we believe that investing in renewable energy is a smart and strategic business decision,” said Jon Lauckner, president of GM Ventures. “And the Chevrolet solar charging canopy project complements our electrification strategy that started with the Chevrolet Volt by helping our cars live up to their fullest green potential.”
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・Chevrolet Harnesses Sun to Power Volts and Dealerships-----General Motors,2011-07-29
-----image(”Chevrolet is harnessing the power of the sun with the installation of solar-powered electric charging stations for its Volts at dealerships in North America, like this one at Al Serra Auto Plaza on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 in Grand Blanc, Michigan. This Chevy Green Zone initiative will generate electricity equivalent to 12 full vehicle charges per day and excess electricity created will help supplement the dealership’s power needs. (Photo by Steve Fecht for Chevrolet)”) : 上記リリースより
・GM backs solar car port maker,Jul. 28, 2011
・GM、シボレー・ボルト Chevy Voltを$41,000で予約受付を開始。政府補助で実質$33,500=約295万円-----しなやかな技術研究会、2010/08/02
-----GreenPostサイト横断検索 : GM-----
GMが電気自動車のトラックメーカー、Bright Automotive を買収したというニュースがありました。
・GM makes a move into electric trucks-GM buys into plug-in truck company-----CNN Money,Aug. 3, 2010
Bright Automotiveは、”Bright IDEA”という名前の
-----image : Bright Automotiveサイトより
-----image : Bright Automotive : Galleryより
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