韓国科学技術院 KAIST、非接触給電の電動車両 OLEV をソウルのアミューズメントパーク向けに開発
韓国科学技術院 KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)は、地中に埋設されたレールから、常時非接触方式で充電して走行できる、無軌道電動トレイン OLEV をソウルのアミューズメントパーク向けに開発したと発表しました。OLEV オレブは、On-Line Electric Vehicle の略称で、設置されたのは動物園や植物園などがあるソウル郊外のアミューズメントパーク、Seoul Grand Park。OLEV オレブは、この園内の一周2.2kmの巡回ルートで運行され、このうち16% にあたる372.5mの地下15cmのところに、非接触給電用の装置が埋設されているということです。この間で最大100kWの電力をOLEV オレブは、地下の充電用装置から受け取ることができ、その際の電磁波の強さは、国際的な電磁波の基準値である、24.1 mG以下であるということです。
プレスリリース / Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST),2011-07-22
・News / Wireless electric trams at Seoul Amusement Park begin full operations.
-----image : 同リリース(”Photo by Hyung-Joon Jun”)より
" Wireless electric trams at Seoul Amusement Park begin full operations.
The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the city of Seoul held a ceremony this morning, July 19, 2011, to celebrate their joint efforts to adopt a green public transportation system and presented park visitors with the three On-Line Electric Vehicles (OLEVs), which will be operated immediately thereafter. Approximately one hundred people, including science high school students across the nation, attended the ceremony and had a chance to ride the trams.
The OLEV project was initiated in 2009 as a method of resolving the battery problems of electric cars in a creative and disruptive way. KAIST came up with the idea of supplying electricity directly to the cars instead of depending solely on the onboard battery for power. Since then, the university has developed core technologies related to OLEV such as the “Shaped Magnetic Field in Resonance (SMFIR),” which enables an electric car to collect the magnetic fields and convert them into electricity, and the “Segment Technology,” which controls the flow of electromagnetic waves through an automatic power-on/shut-down system, thereby eliminating accidental exposure of the electromagnetic waves to pedestrians or non-OLEV cars.
According to KAIST, three types of OLEV have been developed thus far: electric buses, trams, and sport utility vehicles (SUVs). The technical specifications of the most recently developed OLEV (an electric bus), the OLEV research team at the university said, are as follows:
・Power cables are buried 15cm beneath the road surface.
・On average, over 80% power transmission efficiency is achieved.
・The distance gap between the road surface and the underbody of the vehicle is 20cm.
・The OLEV bus has a maximum electricity pickup capacity of 100kW.
・The OLEV bus complies with international standards for electromagnetic fields (below 24.1 mG).
The eco-friendly electric trams at Seoul Grand Park consume no fossil fuels and do not require any overhead wires or cables. Out of the total circular driving route (2.2km), only 16% of the road, 372.5m, has the xembedded power lines, indicating that OLEV does not require extensive reconstruction of the road infrastructure. The city government of Seoul signed a memorandum of understanding with KAIST in 2009 as part of its initiatives to curtail emissions from public transportation and provide cleaner air to its citizens. Both parties plan to expand such collaboration to other transportation systems including buses in the future.
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・KAIST introduces environmentally friendly public transportation to Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon City-----KAIST,2010-03-09
-----image : 上記リリースより
・走りながら充電する電気自動車「オレブ」が初走行、韓国-----AFP BB News,2011年07月22日
・Korea OLEV concept vehicle sees the future, and it's magnets-----CSMonitor.com,March 12, 2010
・Wikipedia : KAIST
・羽田空港で非接触給電ハイブリッドバスが運行します / プレスリリース 国土交通省-----しなやかな技術研究会、2008/02/20
(NissanNewsroom,2010/10/04 )
" 電動バスにおいて実際の充電サイクルが運行にどのように実施されうるのか、問題点などをさぐる。非接触給電タイプの充電施設の実用試験もおこなう。 "
・CEATEC2010で、EVが絡んだ未来の暮らし ------しなやかな技術研究会、2010/10/07
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