General Motors(GM)は、ボルチモアの電気自動車用のモーターとトランスミッション工場に太陽光発電システムを導入。9%の電力を賄う計画を発表しました。工場の屋上に設置された1.23MWの太陽電池をGMの工場に設置したのは、実はGMではなく、Constellation Energy Groupsという別の企業である点がポイントです。Constellation Energyが、GMの工場の屋根を”借り”太陽光発電による事業を行う。GMはその発電電力を20年間購入する契約を行っています。まずは、経済効果というより、温暖化効果ガスの削減枠を確保することと、その工場で生産される電気自動車の宣伝を意識してのこと。ただし、将来的には化石燃料の価格が上がるにつれ、エネルギー安全保障的な意味あいも強いと考えられます。GMとConstellation Energyの太陽光発電に関する取り組みは、カリフォルニアで 951kWpに次2例目ということです。
プレスリリース / General Motors,2011-05-17
・GM Electric Motors Plant is First for Major U.S. Automaker - Solar array to provide 9 percent of power for existing two-Mode hybrid and heavy duty transmission building
-----image(”Constellation Energy installed these solar panels on the roof of the General Motors' 2-Mode Hybrid and heavy duty transmission building at GM's Baltimore Operations complex. The solar array will provide 9 percent of the energy to run the plant. Under a 20-year agreement, GM is purchasing all the energy created by the solar panels.”) : 同リリースより
"The General Motors electric motor plant near Baltimore will be the first by a major U.S. automaker dedicated to making the critical components for vehicle electrification when the plant opens in 2013.With Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley on hand, GM broke ground Tuesday for the previously announced addition to the complex housing its two-mode hybrid and Heavy Duty transmission operations. The electric motor plant results from two investments totaling $269.5 million announced last year.
Electric motor design and production is a core business for GM in the development and manufacture of plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles.
“We believe the future of sustainable transportation is electrically driven vehicles and this facility will help us maintain a leadership position within this category,” said Mike Robinson, GM vice president, Energy, Environment and Safety Policy. “It’s fitting that green ‘motors of the future’ are being built at a facility well recognized for ongoing efforts to reduce its environmental impact.”
The campus will be powered in part by a 1.23 megawatt rooftop solar array, expected to generate nine percent of its annual energy consumption and save approximately $330,000 during the life of the project.
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・GM Baltimore Operations Complex with 1.23 MW Solar Array to Manufacture “Green Motors of the Future”-----2011/5/18
・GM Electric Motors Plant is First for Major U.S. Automaker-----Solar Thermal Magazine,May 17 2011
・GM、シボレー・ボルト Chevy Voltを$41,000で予約受付を開始。政府補助で実質$33,500=約295万円-----しなやかな技術研究会、2010/08/02
-----Google GreenPostサイト横断検索 : GM-----
・GM、太陽光発電システムに新たに投資。電気自動車用 Volt用ソーラーカーポートなども開発-----しなやかな技術研究会、2011/08/04
-----GreenPostサイト横断検索 : GM-----
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