ヒュンダイ モーター Hyundai Motor、電気自動車 ブルーオン BLUEON を発表。30台のテスト運用開始、2012に市場へ
ヒュンダイ モーター Hyundai Motorが、電気自動車 ブルーオン BLUEON を発表。一回の充電で航続距離140km、最高速度130km。韓国政府の肝入りで、まずは2010年10月より30台のテスト運用開始。2012に本格的に市場導入、2012年末までに2500台の生産計画をめざすとのことです。サイズは、 全長×巾×全高 3,585 mm*1,595 mm*1,540 mmで、普通車の車格に相当。急速充電の能力は、25分で80%の容量まで充電可能ということです。
プレスリリース / Hyundai Motor,2010-09-09
" -`BlueOn’is Korea’s first Full Speed Electric Vehicle (FSEV)
-Hyundai’s new vehicle boasts maximum speed of 130 km/h, can travel 140 km on a single charge
-Korean President Lee Myung-Bak attends unveiling ceremony, test driveHyundai Motor Co. today unveiled the company’s ? and Korea’s - first Full Speed Electric Vehicle (FSEV) named ‘BlueOn,’ opening a new era in eco-friendly technology.
We are proud to introduce the world to BlueOn, which was fully developed in Korea and displays Hyundai’s latest technological advancements,” said Dr. Hyun-Soon Lee, Vice Chairman at Hyundai’s Corporate R&D Center. “Consumers’ interests and demand for eco-friendly cars are rising and securing such advanced technology is critical in becoming an industry leader. Hyundai is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint and satisfying market needs.”
Hyundai unveiled the car at the Blue House today, in the presence of Korean President Lee Myung-Bak and Ministers from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and Ministry of Environment. About 50 other government and electric-vehicle industry officials were also present. During the unveiling ceremony, President Lee and Hyundai’s Vice Chairman Lee test drove one of the new vehicles together on the Blue House premises.
Innovative LiPoly Batteries, Virtual Sound
BlueOn has a compact body with an overall length of 3,585 mm, overall width of 1,595 mm and overall height of 1,540 mm. It is equipped with a highly efficient electric motor powered by an innovative 16.4 kWh LiPoly (lithium-ion polymer) battery technology that offers numerous advantages over other battery types. BlueOn boasts a maximum power of 81ps(61kW) and maximum torque of 21.4kg/m(210Nm).
BlueOn can travel as much as 140 km on a single charge. It also accommodates dual recharging methods: a 220V household power and a 380V industrial-strength power, which promises quick recharging speeds. Under the household power, the battery will be fully recharged within six hours. Under the quick charge method, the battery can be recharged to about 80 percent of its capacity within 25 minutes. Hyundai will collaborate with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and other government agencies to build recharging facilities.
In addition, the engine-driven components were electrified so that the electric motor-driven power steering, electric water pump and regenerative brake system could be adapted to BlueOn. Furthermore, for the driver’s convenience, an advanced telematics system showing the charge status and location of recharging stations is installed. A 4.2-inch TFT LCD Supervision Cluster that provides voice guidance has also been installed.
Hyundai plans to expand its manufacturing capabilities for BlueOn next year, carrying out test productions and making about 2,500 units by the end of 2012.
・ヒュンダイ モーター ジャパン
・Hyundai's BlueOn: Automaker Unveils Its First Electric Car-----HuffingtonPost.com,09/ 9/10
この現代自動車のブルーオン BLUEONは、3585*1595*1540mmですから、サイズ的には、三菱自動車の電気自動車i-MiEV(アイ・ミーブ)の3395*1475*1610mmより若干大きめですが、バッテリーやモーターの性能は後発だけあって若干よいようです。ベース車のHyundai, i10は、1.1-1.2リットルの欧州で販売されている小型車です。欧州市場では、それなりの評価を得ている車のようですね。このコンセプトの車だと、お値段は結構やすそうな気もします。さて、これからの数年で世界的にもさまざまな電気自動車が販売されます。どのような評価になるのでしょうか? (t_t)
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