テスラモータース Tesla Motors、12台の日本向けロードスター・スポーツを出荷。パナソニック、モデルS向け次世代リチウムイオン電池の仕様を決定
テスラモータース Tesla Motorsは、アジア向けの最初となる12台の日本向けロードスター・スポーツを2010年4月21日、ロサンゼルス北部のポート・ヒューニーメ港より出荷。さっそく仕様を発表するとともに、予約受付を開始しました。
また、リチウムイオン電池をテスラモータースと共同開発中のパナソニックは、2011年に発売予定のテスラモータースのセダンTesla Model S向け次世代リチウムイオン電池の仕様を提示しました。
プレスリリース / Tesla Motors,April 21, 2010
・Tesla Announces Japan Will be First Destination in Asia
" Roadsters set sail for from California to Yokohama
Responding to growing demand, Tesla Motors the Silicon Valley-based automaker of the world’s fastest highway-capable electric vehicle today shipped a dozen Japan Signature Series Roadsters from Port Hueneme, California. The well-appointed right-hand drive Roadsters will arrive in Yokohama in early May for delivery to select customers throughout Japan.The hand-built, carbon fiber electric Roadster accelerates from 0-100 km in 3.7 seconds. In January, Tesla announced a partnership with Panasonic to accelerate the development of next generation EV cells.
.......... Japan also offers perks for energy-efficient vehicles including zero or lower taxes and green subsidies. It hopes to reduce carbon emissions 25% by 2020.
Faster than nearly any other supercar yet twice as energy efficient as a hybrid, the Tesla Roadster is the only car that delivers guilt-free supercar performance with zero tailpipe emissions and a carbon footprint dramatically lower than any comparable car. The Roadster can travel more than 380km per charge. It can be fully or partially recharged by solar or wind power.
The Roadster requires less routine maintenance than conventional cars. It does not need regular oil changes or exhaust system work. Roadsters have no spark plugs, pistons, hoses, belts or clutches to replace.
Visit www.teslamotors.com/japan for more information. "
・Panasonic Presents First Electric Vehicle Battery to Tesla-----Tesla Motors,April 22, 2010
-----image(”Panasonic Energy Company President Naoto Noguchi hands Tesla CTO JB Straubel an 18650 Lithium-ion cell at the Suminoe factory”) : 上記リリースより
・Tesla Japan : 日本向け特別仕様シリーズのロードスターが新登場 今すぐご購入できます。
" 今すぐロードスターを予約しよう12台のロードスター・スポーツが2010年4月21日、ロサンゼルス北部のポート・ヒューニーメを出港しました。日本向けに特別に仕上げられたロードスター スポーツが、五月初旬に日本に到着します。
ロードスターの日本デビューは、当社のアジアパシフィック市場への参入の第一歩になります。 日本とその近隣諸国でのロードスター のご購入については、詳細をお問い合わせください。
このテスラ ロードスターは、パフォーマンス、
妥協のないクルマです。100キロ加速 3.7秒
1チャージあたり380 km走行詳細仕様のダウンロード
-----image : 詳細仕様書より画像ライブラリ
......... "
2010 Roadster Exterior Walkthrough
・パナソニック エナジー社、リチウムイオン電池生産の住之江工場を竣工-----PC Watch,2010年 3月 25日
・テスラモータースのセダンTesla Model S、電気自動車の予約受付開始-----しなやかな技術研究会、2009/04/13
Tesla Roadster
・Tesla Motors and Toyota Motor Corporation Intend to Work Jointly on EV Development, TMC to Invest in Tesla-----TESLA MOTORS,May 20, 2010
・Tesla Motors Announces Factory in Northern California-----TESLA MOTORS,May 20, 2010
" .....The Model S is expected to be the first pure electric premium sedan and is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of the electric vehicle architecture. The sedan, which Tesla unveiled in March 2009, has an anticipated base price of $49,900, including a federal tax credit, and is intended to deliver the foremost design and technology in the automotive world. With an optional extended-range battery pack, the Model S will travel over 300 miles per charge.The factory is located in the city of Fremont near Northern California’s Silicon Valley, very near Tesla’s Palo Alto headquarters. The location means Tesla can hire best-in-class engineers in Silicon Valley. The short distance also ensures a tight feedback loop between engineering, manufacturing and other divisions within the company.
"The Tesla Factory effectively leverages an ideal combination of hardcore Silicon Valley engineering talent, traditional automotive engineering talent and the proven Toyota production system," said Tesla CEO Elon Musk. "The new Tesla Factory will give us plenty of room to grow."
Toyota produced its last car there just last month. Tesla began discussions to acquire the site this spring, when it was also evaluating opportunities in Downey and Long Beach. The turnkey nature of the facility with its recent production of top quality vehicles and its considerable room for expansion made it stand out from other sites.
.......... "
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