昨年の7月に、温暖化効果ガス削減中期2020年目標1990年比34%を明記し、再生可能エネルギーの推進など、意欲的な低炭素経済への包括的改革案を発表したイギリスが環境担当(Defra : Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)、エネルギー&気候変動省(DECC : Department of Energy and Climate Change)などの取り組みを具体的にまとめ発表しました。
プレスリリース / Department of Energy and Climate Change(UK / DECC),31 March 2010
・Government departments publish plans to tackle climate challenges
" Today the UK Government became the first in the world to publish plans that will set out how every major department will address the challenge of climate change in the UK.The Carbon Reduction Delivery and Adaptation Plans detail each department’s commitment to minimise the damage of climate change, by reducing emissions and by preparing for inevitable change in the UK climate.
These plans are being published alongside a single overview of what Government is doing: Climate Change: Taking Action ? Delivering the Low Carbon Transition Plan and preparing for a changing climate.
Publishing the plans Environment Secretary Hilary Benn said:
‘These plans demonstrate how each individual department will work to reduce emissions and adapt their own estates, operations and policies.
‘There can be no mistaking that some climate change is inevitable and we will need to adjust the way we live our lives to meet these new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities where possible. These plans are by no means the final word, but are a step towards the low carbon, well-adapted society that we need.’
Energy and Climate Change Minister Joan Ruddock said:
“The overwhelming scientific evidence shows that human induced climate change poses a huge threat to the world and we must recognise the challenge this presents to all aspects of our economy and daily activities.
Notes to editors
The Climate Change Act 2008 made the UK the first country in the world to introduce long-term legally-binding targets and five year carbon budgets. It requires the UK to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 34% below 1990 levels over the third budget period (2018 to 2022) and by at least 80% by 2050. The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan, published last July, set out how we would reduce emissions to meet our carbon budgets and announced that we were sharing the UK carbon budget between government departments to ensure that every part of Government is involved in playing its part in reducing emissions. The Act also introduced a framework for adaptation, including a UK Climate Change Risk Assessment every five years from 2012 to assess what a changing climate would mean for society, the economy and the environment and how we might best respond.
The UK Climate Projections were launched in June 2009:.......... "
・The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan
イギリスが昨年の7月15日にThe UK Low Carbon Transition Planという分厚い低炭素経済社会へと移行させるための、包括的なプランの解題は、今も続けています。同じ海洋国であり、日本よりエネルギー資源に恵まれたこの国が、どんな国作りを行うのかについて興味があるからです。環境食糧農林省 Defra : Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairsと、エネルギー&気候変動省 DECC : Department of Energy and Climate Change、この二つの省庁の取り組みにこのブログのテーマである「気候変動およびエネルギー問題を考え次代のライフスタイルを具多的に作るための情報を集める」という主旨を重ねると、日本の農林水産省、環境省、経済産業省(資源エネルギー庁)の構造とはかなり異なるアプローチが見えてくることがあります。専門の研究者ではないので、たまにイギリスを評価しすぎると、必ずしもイギリス「も」うまくいっているわけではない、という専門家の御指摘を受けることもあります。しかし、日本よりは総合的で、この気候変動およびエネルギー問題の解決には、国民一人一人の理解と取り組みが不可欠であり、この困難な課題に国をあげて取り組もうという姿勢を具体的に感じることがあるのです。日本もこの問題の解決には、省庁や団体個人の垣根を越えて考え取り組む必要があります。イギリスの今後の動きについては、高い関心をもって注視する価値があると考えています。
DECC Feed-in Tariff Case Study: David Clough
Hilary Benn calls for action on ocean acidification
DEFRA Climate Change Propaganda
(TaxpayersallianceUK, 2010年02月17日 )
・自然エネルギーのある世界、そのヴィジョン001 - 地味だがこれをリリースしているのは、UK DECC / YouTubeから-----自然エネルギー、2010/4/15
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