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UNEP 国連環境計画、2010 Year Bookを公開。気候変動問題など2009の世界を総覧

 UNEP 国連環境計画は、2/23日に2010 Year Bookを公開しました。昨年末のCOP15をメインに、国連環境計画の1年の、国際交渉、環境維持、環境汚染や公害、気候変動、疾病、資源資源についての80ページにわたるリポートです。
 気候変動に関しては、今世紀半ば(2050)までに温暖化効果ガスによる温度上昇を2度に押さえ、すくなくとも温暖化効果ガスを50%(48-72%)削減することを提言としてまとめています。また、資源(Chapter 6: Resource Efficiency)の項目では、再生可能エネルギーを概観するかたちでまとめることで、世界の対応の方向性を示している点が印象的な内容となっています。

UNEP / 2010 Year Book
-----image : 同書カバー(Release Date: 23rd February 2010,English full report,80ページ、PDF98MB)

プレスリリース / UNEP,23 February 2010

"More Ambition Needed if Greenhouse Gases are to Peak in Time,
Says New UNEP Report
Pledges Post Copenhagen Unlikely to Keep Temperatures Below 2 Degrees Celsius by Mid Century
UNEP Year Book Also Launched Today Outlines Growing Governance Challenge from Climate to Chemicals

Countries will have to be far more ambitious in cutting greenhouse gas emissions if the world is to effectively curb a rise in global temperature at 2 degrees C or less.
This is the conclusion of a new greenhouse gas modeling study, based on the estimates of researchers at nine leading centres, compiled by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
Chapter 1: Environmental Governance
Chapter 2: Ecosystem Management
Chapter 3: Harmful Substances and Hazardous Waste
Chapter 4: Climate Change
Chapter 5: Disasters and Conflicts
Chapter 6: Resource Efficiency
..........(章ごとの分割ダウンロードがおすすめ。全部だと98MB) "

More Ambition Needed if Greenhouse Gases are to Peak in Time, Says New UNEP Report-----United Nations Environment Programme,23 February 2010

" Pledges Post Copenhagen Unlikely to Keep Temperatures Below 2 Degrees Celsius by Mid Century
UNEP Year Book Also Launched Today Outlines Growing Governance Challenge from Climate to Chemicals

Countries will have to be far more ambitious in cutting greenhouse gas emissions if the world is to effectively curb a rise in global temperature at 2 degrees C or less.

This is the conclusion of a new greenhouse gas modeling study, based on the estimates of researchers at nine leading centres, compiled by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

The experts (see notes to editors) suggest that annual global greenhouse gas emissions should not be larger than 40 to 48.3 Gigatonnes (Gt) of equivalent C02 in 2020 and should peak sometime between 2015 and 2021.

They also estimate that between 2020 and 2050, global emissions need to fall by between 48 per cent and 72 per cent, indicating that an ambition to cut greenhouse gases by around three per cent a year over that 30 year period is also needed.

Such a path offers a 'medium' likelihood or at least a 50/50 chance of keeping a global temperature rise at below 2 degrees C, says the new report.

UNEP : Year Book

UNEP | 国連環境計画(UNEP:ユネップ)情報サイト(公式機関誌Our PlanetおよびTUNZAの日本語版やUNEPの最新情報)



-----image : 資料"How Close Are We to the Two Degree Limit? (PDF)"より
"Figure 1. Two key points are illustrated here. First, there is a tradeoff between the timing of the peak in emissions and the rate of decrease in emissions afterwards ?The sooner and lower the peak, the slower the rate of decrease can be afterwards. Conversely, the more the peak is delayed and the higher it is, the faster emissions must decline afterwards in order to stay within the temperature limit. Second, even if the emissions gap is closed in 2020, further emission reductions after 2020 are necessary if the aim is to stay within the two degree limit. It is therefore advisable to set international emission targets not only for 2020 but also for 2050 to be confident that cumulative emissions over the long run do not cause a greater than two degree increase in global temperature. "

2009 Year Book-----Highlights of 2009 - The Year at a Glance-----United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),January 2009

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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: UNEP 国連環境計画、2010 Year Bookを公開。気候変動問題など2009の世界を総覧:

« 長崎県、EV・PHVタウン構想を「長崎県エビッツ」で推進中 | トップページ | 経済産業省、ネットで政策アイディアを募集する"アイディアボックス open-meti.go.jp"を3月23日まで開設 »