Actionaid、リポート「Meals per gallon」を発表。欧州におけるバイオ燃料の利用増加は、世界の飢餓を増加させる
貧困とそれをもたらす構造そのものの撲滅を活動の中心にかかげるイギリスのActionaidは、欧州とイギリスにおけるバイオ燃料の利用増加は、アフリカなどの飢餓をさらに悪化させるというリポート「Meals per gallon」を発表しました。作物由来、また耕地を使うあらゆるバイオ燃料は、現在10億人を突破した飢餓人口をさらに増加させるという指摘は以前からありました。イギリスおよび欧州各国が、気候変動とエネルギー問題への対応としてバイオ燃料の利用促進を選択しようとするなか、今回のリポートでは、この選択によりさらに1億人が飢餓状態へと追いやられると指摘、路線の変更を迫るものになっています。
・New Biofuels report shows how Europe is driving hunger-----Actionaid,15 February 2010
-----image : 「Meals per gallon: the impact of industrial biofuels on people and global hunger」カバー
" Up to 100 million more people could go hungry if the UK and Europe commit to increases in biofuels consumption in order to meet new European Union legislation, says ActionAid.The EU wants at least 10 per cent of transport fuels to come from renewable sources within the next 10 years. This target will be met in the main by industrial biofuels ? fuels made on an industrial scale from agricultural crops, including important staple foods. The majority are likely to come from developing countries.
In a major new report ‘Meals per gallon: the impact of industrial biofuels on people and global hunger’ ActionAid estimates that as a result of the legislation, the amount of biofuels in Europe’s petrol and diesel will increase nearly fourfold. It says this will have a disastrous impact on the world’s poor as food prices rise.
Report author Tim Rice said: “Biofuels are driving a global human tragedy. Local food prices have already risen massively. As biofuel production gains pace, this can only accelerate.
“Poor people can spend as much as 80 per cent of their income on food. Even small increases in the price of staples such as maize and wheat mean that many more will become increasingly desperate.”
.......... "
・Actionaid : Take action on biofuels / Biofuels and hunger
The big biofuels debate
・人道支援団体CAREインターナショナル、国連大学らが2050年までに2億人もの気候難民が世界で生まれる可能性を指摘するリポート、”In Search of Shelter”を公開-----しなやかな技術研究会、2009/06/23
このリポート、48ページあります。Meals per gallon: the impact of industrial biofuels on people and global hungerの目次です。
Executive summary 2
Chapter 1: Introduction 6
Chapter 2: Industrial biofuels . the context 8
What’s driving the EU industrial biofuel boom? 9
Chapter 3: What’s wrong with industrial biofuels? 12
Industrial biofuels increase food prices, driving more people into hunger 12
Industrial biofuels are failing local communities where they are grown 19
Industrial biofuels are not a solution to climate change 27
Conclusion . the EU response 31
Chapter 4: Industrial biofuels to 2020 32
Governments are increasing biofuel demand 32
The alarming scale of industrial biofuel land expansion 32
Conclusion 37
Chapter 5: Biofuel use . a suggested way forward 38
Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendations 41"
・「トウモロコシは最悪」26種のバイオ燃料のエコ効果を分析 / クリッピング WIRED VISION-----ソフトエネルギー、2008/01/23
・EU、バイオ燃料の取引・生産で国際ルール提案 / クリッピング 日経Ecolomy-----ソフトエネルギー、2007/07/10
-----GreenPostサイト横断検索 : バイオ燃料------
・世界の飢餓人口10億人を越えた、FAOリポート-----GreenPost -Heuristic Life -,2009/6/23
-----GreenPostサイト横断検索 : 飢餓-----
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