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GMのシボレー・ボルト、Chevrolet Volt。ガソリン1リットルで約100km=230MPGを達成し2011年に市場へ

GM、ボルトのEPA公式燃費値を発表-----carview ニュース、2010年11月26日

" .....ボルトの燃費(市街地・高速複合値)は、EV時は93mpg(約39.3km/L)、ハイブリッド時は37mpg(約15.6km/L)という結果。 ..... "

GM、シボレー・ボルト Chevy Voltを$41,000で予約受付を開始。政府補助で実質$33,500=約295万円-----しなやかな技術研究会、2010/08/02


 再建中の米GMが今後の車の生産予定とともに、プラグイン・ハイブリッド車であるChevrolet Voltの市街地での走行燃費が230MPG、約97km/リットルに達し、今後正式に発表されるEPAの新基準をクリヤーするしていることを発表しました。

プレスリリース / General Motors,2009-08-11
Chevrolet Volt Expects 230 mpg in City Driving
-----image上[”Pre-Production Volt Loaded With 16 kWh Lithium Ion Battery”; A pre-production Chevrolet Volt is loaded with its 16kwh lithium ion battery at General Motor's Pre-Production Operations facility in Warren,Michigan,Wednesday,August 5,2009.About 80 Volts will be hand-built at PRO.Once built, the vehicles undergo a series of road, craxh and other engineering validation tests in preparetion for the launch of the extended-range electric vehicle nest year.(Photo by Jeffrey Sauger for General Motors)] : 同リリースより-----image下[”Chevrolet Volt Announcement(Photo by Steve Fecht for General Motors)”]-----Volt230mpg01a

" ・First mass-produced vehicle to claim more than 100 mpg composite fuel economy ・Tentative EPA methodology results show 25 kilowatt hours/100 miles electrical efficiency in city cycle ・Plugging in daily is key to high-mileage performance

The Chevrolet Volt extended-range electric vehicle is expected to achieve city fuel economy of at least 230 miles per gallon, based on development testing using a draft EPA federal fuel economy methodology for labeling for plug-in electric vehicles.

The Volt, which is scheduled to start production in late 2010 as a 2011 model, is expected to travel up to 40 miles on electricity from a single battery charge and be able to extend its overall range to more than 300 miles with its flex fuel-powered engine-generator.

”From the data we've seen, many Chevy Volt drivers may be able to be in pure electric mode on a daily basis without having to use any gas," said GM Chief Executive Officer Fritz Henderson. "EPA labels are a yardstick for customers to compare the fuel efficiency of vehicles. So, a vehicle like the Volt that achieves a composite triple-digit fuel economy is a game-changer.”

According to U.S. Department of Transportation data, nearly eight of 10 Americans commute fewer than 40 miles a day http://tinyurl.com/U-S-DOTStudy .

”The key to high-mileage performance is for a Volt driver to plug into the electric grid at least once each day,”Henderson said.

Volt drivers' actual gas-free mileage will vary depending on how far they travel and other factors, such as how much cargo or how many passengers they carry and how much the air conditioner or other accessories are used. Based on the results of unofficial development testing of pre-production prototypes, the Volt has achieved 40 miles of electric-only, petroleum-free driving in both EPA city and highway test cycles.

Under the new methodology being developed, EPA weights plug-in electric vehicles as traveling more city miles than highway miles on only electricity. The EPA methodology uses kilowatt hours per 100 miles traveled to define the electrical efficiency of plug-ins. Applying EPA's methodology, GM expects the Volt to consume as little as 25 kilowatt hours per 100 miles in city driving. At the U.S. average cost of electricity (approximately 11 cents per kWh), a typical Volt driver would pay about $2.75 for electricity to travel 100 miles, or less than 3 cents per mile.

The Chevrolet Volt uses grid electricity as its primary source of energy to propel the car. There are two modes of operation: Electric and Extended-Range. In electric mode, the Volt will not use gasoline or produce tailpipe emissions when driving. During this primary mode of operation, the Volt is powered by electrical energy stored in its 16 kWh lithium-ion battery pack.

When the battery reaches a minimum state of charge, the Volt automatically switches to Extended-Range mode. In this secondary mode of operation, an engine-generator produces electricity to power the vehicle. The energy stored in the battery supplements the engine-generator when additional power is needed during heavy accelerations or on steep inclines.

”The 230 city mpg number is a great indication of the capabilities of the Volt's electric propulsion system and its ability to displace gasoline," said Frank Weber, global vehicle line executive for the Volt. "Actual testing with production vehicles will occur next year closer to vehicle launch. However, we are very encouraged by this development, and we also think that it is important to continue to share our findings in real time, as we have with other aspects of the Volt's development.” "

GM Media Online : Chevrolet Volt

Chevrolet / 2011 VOLT
-----image : 上記サイトキャプチャー画像

Chevy Volt Rated at 230 MPG in City Driving-----Tree Hugger,08.11.09

米GM、新環境車「1リットル100キロ」 新車投入を拡大-----NIKKEI NET,2009/8/12

Chevy Volt Gets 230 MPG City EPA Rating-----GM-Volt.com,August 11th, 2009(GM社とは無関係)

GM Advanced Battery Lab Tour, Part II




GMのシボレー・ボルト、Chevrolet Volt。不思議な燃費計算と動画-----自然エネルギー、2009/08/17

twitter : GMの新型ハイブリッド車「シボレーボルト」、驚異の「燃費100km/L」を検証-----ECO Japan http://bit.ly/oKfHR(2009/9/3)

ボルトの実際の燃費は ?-----Slashdot Japan,2009年08月14日

GM、シボレー・ボルト Chevy Voltを$41,000で予約受付を開始。政府補助で実質$33,500=約295万円-----しなやかな技術研究会、2010/08/02

GMの電気自動車 シボレーボルト"Chevrolet Volt"はどうなる?-----GreenPost -Heuristic Life -,2009/6/4

GM、プラグインハイブリッド車、Chevrolet Voltの量産モデルを公開-----しなやかな技術研究会、2008/10/27

GM shows Chevy plug-in concept / クリッピング CNN Money(GMのプラグインハイブリッド車)-----しなやかな技術研究会、2007/01/11


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GMのシボレー・ボルト、Chevrolet Volt。不思議な燃費計算と動画-----自然エネルギー、2009/8/17

投稿: 追加情報 GMのシボレー・ボルト、Chevrolet Volt。不思議な燃費計算と動画 | 2009/08/17 18:09


GMの新型HV シボレー ボルト、燃費98km/リットルは本物か?


投稿: 元ネタ | 2009/08/14 10:54



投稿: 追加情報 GMシボレー・ボルトの燃費、98km/Lは嘘 | 2009/08/14 10:35



この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: GMのシボレー・ボルト、Chevrolet Volt。ガソリン1リットルで約100km=230MPGを達成し2011年に市場へ:

« 国土交通省、21年版「日本の水資源」(水資源白書)を公開 | トップページ | 今日からお盆休みだ、、、twitterをはじめてみることに »