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 セグウェイがGMと共同開発した天蓋付き二人乗り二輪車の開発名はP.U.M.A - Personal Urban Mobility & Accessibility。直訳すれば、都会用パーソナル車となり味気ない。和製英語的には、パーソナル・コミューターのほうがわかりやすい。動きは、下の短いビデオクリップをみるとよくわかります。実際の動きは、プレスカンファレンスのものが公開されてます。

Project P.U.M.A. Movement


プレスリリース / Segway,2009/4/6
Introducing Project P.U.M.A.
-----image : 上記サイトキャプチャー画像

" Every once in awhile we have some exciting news to share and we’re happy to do so right here on The Last Mile.

We’re pleased to introduce you to the Project P.U.M.A. (Personal Urban Mobility & Accessibility) prototype. It’s a working concept of what’s possible when you put together smart minds with the goal of setting a new vision for the future of urban transportation. We’re making this announcement today in collaboration with General Motors Corp. in New York City in advance of the New York Auto Show.
.......... "

Project PUMA: Press Conference


GM And Segway Join Forces To Reinvent Urban Transportation-----GM,2009-04-07

" ..........
Built to carry two or more passengers, it can travel at speeds up to 35 miles per hour (56 kph), with a range up to 35 miles (56 km) between recharges.

Since the introduction of the Segway Personal Transporter (PT), Segway has established itself as the leader in the small electric vehicle space. Its approach to congestion and environmental challenges is balanced with a strong understanding of the functional needs of its customers, enabling them to do more with less. Segway has delivered more than 60,000 lithium-ion batteries to the market.

GM has been a leader in "connected vehicle" technologies since it introduced OnStar in 1996. Today, this on-board communications package connects six million subscribers in North America to OnStar safety and security services. GM has also pioneered vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications systems and transponder technology. These and additional connected vehicle technologies could ultimately enable vehicles that don't crash and drive themselves.
.......... "



GM/Segway Project P.U.M.A. Autonomous Operation
-----image : ビデオの1シーンキャプチャー画像


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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: セグウェイとGMが共同開発した天蓋付き二人乗り二輪車P.U.M.A:

« エンパイヤステートビルディングで省エネ化プログラムがスタート | トップページ | 気候変動枠組み条約6月原案提示へ 国連作業部会閉幕 / クリッピング asahi.com »