オランダのフィリプス、Royal Philips Electronicsがドイツ政府との共同プログラムでアフリカ向けに提供される、未電化地域で使えるソーラーランタンと読書用ライトを開発した。種類は、Reading Lightと呼ばれるソーラーランタン、これはこれまでもあった太陽電池と蛍光灯を組み合わせたもの。今回の目玉は、15$以下で提供できると言う、子供や大人が夜の学習時に個人的に利用できるるMy Reading Lightと呼ばれるLEDライト。小さな光源を広く拡散するしくみで、ページ全体を明るく照らすことが可能です。
プレスリリース / Royal Philips Electronics,February 16, 2009
・Philips targets education in Africa with new LED based solar powered lighting solutions
-----image(”Child using reading light”) : 同リリースより
" Royal Philips Electronics (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI) announced today that it will launch a new solar powered reading light, which enables people to both read and write after dark. The light ? called ‘My Reading Light’ ? was developed specifically for the education sector in Africa and will allow a new generation of school children to continue with their homework after sunset.
Today an estimated 500 million Africans live without electricity. For these people nightfall means either darkness or the flickering light of a candle or kerosene lamp. There are however many disadvantages of kerosene lanterns including health and safety risks, expensive oil-driven fuel prices, and the low light output which makes reading nearly impossible.
As a result, life in many parts of Africa practically comes to a halt at sundown, including children busy with their homework. Solar powered lighting solutions can make a true difference here.
”As part of Philips’ broader drive to improve people’s lives, Philips is committed to making affordable, high-quality, energy efficient lighting available to areas where it is most needed. Offering new LED based, solar lighting solutions offers a triple-win: the lives of people in Africa will be generally improved, LEDs result in a very low carbon footprint and companies offering the right solutions stand to gain.” says Rudy Provoost, Executive Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of Philips Lighting.
‘My Reading Light’ provides high quality LED lighting. It is extremely lightweight and can be hand-held or placed over the page of a book, allowing the user to read or write. There is a choice of high/middle/low dimming settings. ‘My Reading Light’ has a built-in rechargeable battery providing between 3.5 and 9 hours of light depending on the light level selected. The reading light ? which we expect to launch in autumn this year-, will be available in two versions: a standard light and a slimmed down, low-cost version with a target consumer price of less than 15 US dollars.
・Philips targets education in Africa with LED-based lights-----LEDs Magazine,16 Feb 2009(ソース)
・Philips Lights Up Education in Africa with Reading Light-----GreenBusinessAfrica.com,17 February, 2009
世界中で60 lumens / Wという単位消費電力あたりの光の総合効率を越えるLED電球やデバイス、灯具がでそろってきました。価格もだいぶ安くなってきました。フィリップスも本格的に60lumens / Wを越える、照明器具の製造に着手することを表明したようです。
・Philips launches its first mainstream LED light-----Cleantech.com,February 20, 2009
/ Philips MASTER LED lamp for general and accent lighting / Philips MASTER LED
-----image : Philips E27 Bulb lamp 上記サイトより
フィリップスの「Philips MASTER LED」シリーズのPhilips E27 Bulb lampで、7Wで230lumensを実現している。総合効率は、約32lumens / Wのラインナップです。それを倍以上の60lumens / Wに高めることで、電球が多用されているダウンライトの置き換えはもちろん、寿命によりコンパクト蛍光管をも置き換えることが可能になります。日本でも東芝ライテックがダウンライトを発表しました。こちらはすでに80 lumens/Wを実現しています。あとは価格しだいで、LEDが照明の基幹になる時代が訪れようとしています。
・Philips Global site
/ Philips MASTER LED
/ Philips sets out vision to bring benefits of LED lighting to horticulture
・フィリップス Philips 、米DOE主催のLEDライトのコンペ L Prizeを通過。60W白熱球代替部門-----しなやかな技術研究会、2011/08/08
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投稿: 追加情報 PHILLIPS SMILE | 2009/08/22 15:28