Census of Marine Life 海の生き物調査、両極の旺盛な生物の世界と温暖化する海についての調査を発表
プレスリリース / Census of Marine Life,February 15, 2009
-----image : 同リリースより
Image Gallery[(C)Census of Marine Life c 2009]より
・Polar Bears and Penguins May Live At Opposite Poles, But
Census of Marine Life Explorers Find Hundreds of Identical Species Thrive in Both Arctic and Antarctic
" Researchers in North and South startled to find Polar oceans share 235 species;
Changes in species distribution documented as warmer oceans spur migration;
United by high-speed current, Antarctic benthos revealed as single bioregion;
Smaller species replacing larger ones in some Arctic waters
Polar Year results are milestones towards historic 1st global oceans Census: Oct. 2010
Earth’s unique, forbidding ice oceans of the Arctic and Antarctic have revealed a trove of secrets to Census of Marine Life explorers, who were especially surprised to find at least 235 species live in both polar seas despite an 11,000-kilometer distance in between.
Additional Information:
Arctic and Antarctic Subprojects
Polar Award Recipients
Ocean in Google Earth
Life Under the Ice VideoDownloads:
Full press release (PDF)
Image Gallery "
・International Polar Year / Hundreds of Identical Species Thrive in Both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
Ocean Observations Biodiversity Video
・Ice oceans 'are not poles apart'-----BBC News,15 February 2009
話は変わりますがGoogle Earthに海のレイヤーが表示できる5.0英語版が公開されています。
この5.0は、まだ私は使ってませんが、今回のリリースでもOcean in Google Earth : Census KML fileが公開されました。早く使ってみたいと考えています。(t_t)
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