米国気候行動パートナーシップ 地球温暖化対策の法的枠組を提言 / クリッピング EICネット
" 米国気候行動パートナーシップ(USCAP)は、1月15日、地球温暖化対策の法的な枠組を示す提言「立法活動のための青写真」を公表した。 .......... 今回の提言では、拘束力のある、経済全体をカバーする地球温暖化防止プログラムが必要だとして、2005年を基準年とし、温室効果ガス排出量を2012年までにその97~102%、2020年までに80~86%、2030年までに58%、2050年までに20%とする目標を盛り込むよう訴えた。 .......... "-----EICニュース、2009.01.15より
プレスリリース / United States Climate Action Partnership
・http://www.us-cap.org/ / January 15, 2009 Business and Environmental Leaders Release Landmark Blueprint for Climate Protection Legislation(pdf)
" .........
Highlights from the Blueprint include:
. Requiring an 80 percent emissions reduction below 2005 levels by 2050: National
climate legislation should include aggressive emission reduction targets that can be
achieved at manageable costs to the economy. The targets and timetables in the
Blueprint are consistent with the schedule proposed by President-elect Obama.
. Allowing the ample use of offsets to manage program costs: Offsets should be used
to help meet compliance obligations and should be environmentally additional, verifiable,
permanent, measurable, and enforceable. Other cost containment measures to limit
price spikes and volatility are detailed in the Blueprint.
. Using the value of emissions allowances to protect consumers and businesses
while advancing climate program goals: USCAP believes the distribution of
allowance value should facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy for consumers
and businesses, provide capital to support new low- and zero-GHG-emitting
technologies, and address the need for humans and the environment to adapt to climate
change. A significant portion of allowances should be initially distributed to capped
entities and particularly disadvantaged economic sectors. The Blueprint identifies
principles to guide the fair and equitable allocation of allowance value to mitigate costs
to consumers and impacted sectors of the economy.
. Creating incentives for technology development and deployment: In addition to
outlining the design and function of a cap-and-trade system, the Blueprint details
complementary measures for coal, technology transformation, transportation, and
buildings and energy efficiency that are needed to facilitate rapid technology
transformation and to ensure that actual reductions in emissions occur across the
economy. These measures are presented as necessary components of the cap-andtrade
.......... "
/ USCAP Blueprint for Legislative Action
-----image : USCAP Blueprint for Legislative Action(pdf-970K)表紙
・The USCAP Blueprint for Legislative Action-----World Resources Institute,January 15, 2009
アメリカが気候変動枠組み条約の舞台に戻ってくる? まあ、そのあたりは今年のなかばから後半にかけて本格化する国際会議をみればわかるので、今はよしとして。大統領が変わりこうまで雰囲気が変わってしまうアメリカという国の可能性と怖さを目の当たりにした大統領の交代劇という現時点の様子について、若干みていきたいと思います。
・United States Climate Action Partnership : Background Materials / Letter to the President(January 22, 2007) / Our Solutions-Based Report: A Call for Action (PDF - 1.18 MB)
・Countdown To Copenhagen COP15 コペンハーゲンへの道 / おすすめサイト-----しなやかな技術研究会、2009/01/09
・COP14 気候変動枠組み条約第14回締約国会議がはじまった-----しなやかな技術研究会、2008/12/01
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