« 太陽光発電を利用した電動オートリキシャ、インドで開発中! | トップページ | Blog Action Day 2008 「テーマ : poverty - 貧困 -」 »





 ヨーロッパで、気候変動の適応策についてまとめたリポート「Impacts of Europe's changing climate」がEuropean Environment Agency (EEA)によって発行されました。欧州では、気候変動問題には、早期の適切に対処することで、将来のコストと損害を少なくすることができるという”まっとうな考え方”が通用していると考えてますが、実際に対策が有効にとられるかについては、予断を許さないという厳しい現実もあるようです。経済発展と環境問題が対比され、やがてGreenが各国で失速した経緯もありますので、こうした適応策が各国でどこまで具体的になるのか、参考にしていく必要があります。

プレスリリース / European Environment Agency (EEA),29 Sep 2008
Europe needs to intensify actions to adapt to climate change impacts

" Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation, rising sea level, more intense and frequent extreme weather events and melting glaciers, ice sheets and Arctic sea ice are some of the challenges for Europe already triggered by global climate change, says a report released today by the European Environment Agency, the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
The report 'Impacts of Europe’s changing climate', based on 40 key indicators, stresses the consequences of both observed and projected changes, including an increased risk of floods and droughts, losses of biodiversity, threats to human health and damage to economic sectors such as energy, transport, forestry, agriculture, and tourism.
”This report makes strikingly clear that many regions and sectors across Europe are vulnerable to climate change impacts. Implementation of adaptation actions has only just started. We need to intensify such actions and improve information exchange on data, effectiveness and costs.”-Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA
.......... "

-----image : Impacts of Europe's changing climate - 2008 indicator-based assessmentカバー
" The report presents past and projected climate change and impacts in Europe by means of about 40 indicators and identifies sectors and regions most vulnerable with a high need for adaptation. The report covers the following indicator categories: atmosphere and climate, cryosphere, marine biodiversity and ecosystems, water quantity (including river floods and droughts), freshwater quality and biodiversity, terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, soil, agriculture and forestry, human health. Furthermore the report shows the need for adaptation actions at EU, national and regional level and the need for enhanced monitoring, data collection and exchange and reducing uncertainties in projections. The report is a joined effort of the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC-IES) and the World Health Organisation Europe (WHO). "

研究報告:欧州、気候変動適応策の強化が不可欠-----日刊 温暖化新聞、2008年10月11日




BBC Hardtalk : Connie Hedegaard(6 October 2008)

" In a HARDtalk programme broadcast on 6 October, Stephen Sackur talks to the Danish minister for climate and energy, Connie Hedegaard.
Click here to watch the full interview[23'20"]

With the world economy faltering and fears of a global recession growing, do politicians have the stomach for action on global warming? "

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« 太陽光発電を利用した電動オートリキシャ、インドで開発中! | トップページ | Blog Action Day 2008 「テーマ : poverty - 貧困 -」 »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 気候変動は、金融危機の世界でもメジャーな議論です:

« 太陽光発電を利用した電動オートリキシャ、インドで開発中! | トップページ | Blog Action Day 2008 「テーマ : poverty - 貧困 -」 »