ユネスコ、「帯水層」の世界地図を初めて作成 / クリッピング AFP BB News
" 国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ、UNESCO)は22日、世界の273の帯水層を示した地図を公表した。水という貴重かつ危機にさらされることが多い資源の管理に役立ててもらおうという狙いがある。 "-----AFP BB News,2008年10月23日
プレスリリース / UNESCO,22-10-2008
・UNESCO publishes first world map of underground transboundary aquifers
" UNESCO is publishing the first-ever world map of shared aquifers to coincide with the submission to the General Assembly of the United Nations on 27 October of a draft Convention on Transboundary Aquifers. Almost 96% of the planet’s freshwater resources are to be found in underground aquifers, most of which straddle national boundaries.
espite its strategic importance, no global inventory of this resource had been compiled to date. Since 2000, UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP) has been participating in the establishment of a groundwater database. It is now presenting a detailed map of transboundary aquifers ? available online ? showing the delineations of aquifers that are shared by at least two countries. It also provides information about the quality of their water and rate of replenishment. So far, the inventory comprises 273 shared aquifers: 68 are on the American continent, 38 in Africa, 65 in eastern Europe, 90 in western Europe and 12 in Asia.
.......... "
・UNESCO : World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP)
Groundwater resources of the world and their use [PDF 10 MB] "
-----image(”Groundwater resources of the world
Source: BGR & UNESCO”) : 上記サイトより
/ Groundwater resources of the world
/ World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP)
/ Web Mapping
-----image(”WHYMAP Web Mapping ApplicationAugust 2008”) : 上記オンラインマップ公開サイトより
・Atlas of hidden water may avert future conflict-----Newscientist.com,24 October 2008
・UNESCO Launches Global Aquifer Map-----Water for the ages,October 26, 2008
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