イギリス 気候変動への適応に関する情報ウェブサイトを開設 / クリッピング EICネット
" イギリスで7月24日、気候変動への適応に関する情報集約ウェブサイトが始動した。これに際し、ラドック大臣(気候変動担当)は「想像力豊かで革新的なアプローチをもって気候変動の影響に対処しよう」と公共及び民間の諸機関に呼びかけた。 "-----EICネット 海外ニュース、2008.07.24
プレスリリース / Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs(defra),24 July 2008
・Ruddock launches one-stop shop for adapting to climate impacts
" .....
Launching a new information hub that will help businesses, planners, and others to adapt to climate change, Ms Ruddock said that as the climate changed, there would be more extreme weather, with an increased risk of flooding and erosion, hotter and drier summers, loss of biodiversity and risks to human health ? and society would have to adapt to those changes.The website is a one-stop shop offering easy access to the most comprehensive collection of resources on adapting to climate change available in the UK, and is part of the Government’s drive to ensure that Britain is ready to deal with the impacts of climate change that are already irreversible.
It includes details of how the climate will alter, links to practical tools for adaptation, and examples of what is already being done around the country.
..... "
・The Adapting to Climate Change website
・The UK Climate Impacts Programme
・L&Q Group : First homes in London to be delivered to Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes
-----image(Set for completion in September 2008, Vale Street in Lambeth continues L&Q’s commitment to the development of sustainable housing.) : 上記サイトより高解像度の絵コンテもダウンロードできます。
・Communities & Lolal Government : eco-towns
/ Greener homes for the future
-----image : 同書カバー
" Summary
The Code is the national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. The Code aims to reduce our carbon emissions and create homes that are more sustainable.
It is now mandatory for all new homes to be rated against the Code and include a Code or nil-rated certificate within the Home Information Pack. This leaflet highlights what the Code is, how it works and what it means to have a mandatory rating for new homes.
By building to Code standards, we can make Britain's homes more environmentally friendly for the future. "
-----see also : Eco-towns: Living a greener future - progress report
気候変動に関するさまざまな情報もサイトを横断しながら斜め見しましたが、中でAdaptation Wizardの組み立てと文章には、うまく整理してあるので気候変動、人間への影響、適応策などへの総合的な情報をステップ・バイ・ステップで読み進めていけるので、大いに感心しました。
・農畜産業振興事業団 : わが国の食料自給率-平成12年度 食料自給率レポート・食料需給表-から
・Planning Portal : Code for Sustainable Homes
・Wikipedia : Code for Sustainable Homes
・Green Building Forum : Code for Sustainable Homes
・The Renewable Energy Centre is shocked that homes in Eco Towns will not be zero carbon-----The Renewable Energy Centre,2008/7/3
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