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blog : Atlas of Our Changing Environment-----Google日本語翻訳

プレスリリース / UNEP,10 June 2008
Glacial Retreat to Rapid Urbanization Chronicled in Landmark Satellite Report to Africa's Environment Ministers

" Africa's rapidly changing environmental landscape, from the disappearance of glaciers in Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains to the loss of Cape Town's unique 'fynbos' vegetation, is presented today to the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN).

The Atlas, compiled on behalf of the ministers by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), underlines how development choices, population growth, climate change and, in some cases, conflicts are shaping and impacting the natural and nature-based assets of the region.

The nearly 400-page long publication was launched today by President Thabo Mbeki of the Republic of South Africa who is hosting the AMCEN meeting in Johannesburg.

Africa: Atlas of Our Changing Environment features over 300 satellite images taken in every country in Africa in over 100 locations. The 'before' and 'after' photographs, some of which span a 35-year period, offer striking snapshots of local environmental transformation across the continent.

In addition to well-publicized changes, such as Mount Kilimanjaro's shrinking glaciers, the drying up of Lake Chad and falling water levels in Lake Victoria, the Atlas presents, for the first time, satellite images of new or lesser known environmental changes and challenges including:
.......... "

UNEP GRID :Atlas of Our Changing Environment
  / Africa's Lakes

" As the age-old adages say, "A picture is worth a thousand words" and "Seeing is believing", this stunning 400-page Africa: Atlas of our Changing Environment is a unique and powerful publication which brings to light stories of environmental change at more than 100 locations spread across every country in Africa. Using current and historical satellite images, the Atlas provides scientific evidence of the impact that natural and human activities have had on the continent's environment over the past several decades. This UNEP publication should be of immense value to all those who want to know more about Africa and who care about the future of this continent.

This site contains downloadable versions of the atlas in both English and French. Also included are powerpoints, posters, satellite images, graphics, and interactive maps. "

/ One Planet Many People

UNEP Atlas of Our Changing Environment Google Map版(本格的に興味のある地域、地点の名などを随所に配置された検索窓に入力し検索すると、UNEP全体のソースを対象に検索できます。)
Googlemapafrica-----Google Mapsのサービスを利用した地図のキャプチャー画像。

新地図でアフリカ大陸の環境変化が明らかに-----日刊 温暖化新聞、2008/6/12

----------Googleニュース検索 : アフリカ 気候変動-----Google Serch : africa climate change-----Google Image : africa climate change----------



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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: アフリカの最新の衛星写真による環境地図をUNEPが公開:

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