Launch of "Principles on climate leadership" in San Francisco / プレスリリース United Nations Global Compact (サンフランシスコで気候変動に関するプロジェクトが開始される)
" The United Nations Global Compact, the City of San Francisco, the Bay Area Council and a wide array of Bay Area businesses today launched a unique partnership designed to provide meaningful actions that businesses and cities around the world can take to combat global warming. The initiative - the Principles on Climate Leadership - will give Bay Area businesses a strategic framework to address climate change as well as a forum to share best practices to reduce greenhouse gasses in both large and small companies. In addition, the initiative will create a model for climate action in the commercial and public sectors that the UN Global Compact will seek to place in companies and cities around the world. "-----United Nations Global Compact,1 March 2007
資料(より以下引用) " PRINCIPLES ON CLIMATE LEADERSHIP The Business Council on Climate Change (BC3) believes that the climate crisis offers corporate leaders an unprecedented opportunity to shift practices to realize economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social well-being. Our mission is to capitalize on the Bay Area’s entrepreneurial culture to create a thriving economy, while at the same time contributing to public dialogue and positive action on climate change. Therefore, we commit to the following principles: PRINCIPLE ONE: INTERNAL IMPLEMENTATION We acknowledge our responsibility to reduce our impact on climate change and adopt practices within our company’s operations to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a climate-friendly San Francisco Bay Area economy. Potential Actions include: ・ Conduct an assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from operations. ・ Set a company-wide greenhouse gas emission reduction goal. ・ Develop and implement a greenhouse gas reduction plan as appropriate to each company. ・ Monitor and verify progress towards achieving reduction goal. ・ Become a certified Bay Area Green Business.PRINCIPLE TWO: COMMUNITY LEADERS
サンフランシスコで、国連の「Global Compact」と共同定めた”Principles on climate leadership”プログラムに取り組むことを発表しました。内容は、サンフランシスコの企業が率先してさまざまな気候変動対応のプログラムに取り組むことで、市の内外、世界に向けて現実的な選択肢を行動で示すことです。
このプログラムに参加する20あまりの企業の中には、Gap Inc.や Googleなども含まれているそうです。東京も、どうですかね、、、知事も”変わることだし、、、”
プレスリリース / SFGov:Office of the Mayor,3/1/07
・Mayor Newsom, United Nations Global Compact and Bay Area Council Form New Business Partnership For Climate Change
" The program, called Business Council on Climate Change (BC3), will give Bay Area businesses a forum to share best practices to reduce greenhouse gasses in both large and small businesses. But more importantly, BC3 will create a model for climate action in the commercial and public sectors that the United Nations Global Compact will seek to place in companies and cities worldwide. BC3 launched officially on Thursday, March 1 with a symposium at San Francisco痴 City Hall attended by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, top regional business leaders, and representatives of the United Nations.”Local actions can have a positive effect on the entire planet,” observed San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. "The Bay Area is fortunate to have a visionary business community that is willing to get out in front of a daunting issue like global warming, and we are honored that the United Nations Global Compact will be working to bring this message to other communities and companies around the world.”"
・UN launches climate initiative in San Francisco as model to fight global warming-----UN NEWS CENTER,1 March 2007
ところで、「Global Compact」という組織を始めて知ったのですが、10の原理による市民、企業、自治体などさまざまなレベルでの具体的な取り組みをしているセクターのようです。原理9には、環境にやさしい技術があげられていました。(t_t)
・San Francisco(Google マップ)
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