« Global Warming Heat Wave? January Temps Hit Record Highs Across Northeast / クリッピング Democracy Now!(暖冬は、人為にあらず。自然現象なりと石油会社が宣伝したい理由) | トップページ | 2005年度食料自給率は40%、8年連続横ばい / クリッピング Japan for Sustainablility »



Clock5 世界終末時計が、2002年に”7分前だった。” それが、今回2分進み、5分前で止まった

-----image(ホームページのキャプチャー画像) & text : The Bulletin Online - Global Security News & Analysis

The threat of a sedond nuclear age and the expected consequences of climate change push the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock conveys how close humanity is to catastrophic destruction--the figurative midnight--and monitors the means humankind could use to obliterate itself. First and foremost, these include nuclear weapons, but they also encompass climate-changing technologies and new developments in the life sciences and nanotechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm. "


" Environmental

Fossil-fuel technologies such as coal-burning plants powered the industrial revolution, bringing unparalleled economic prosperity to many parts of the world. In the 1950s, however, scientists began measuring year-to-year changes in the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere that they could relate to fossil fuel combustion, and they began to develop the implications for Earth’s temperature and for climate change.

Fifty years later, leading scientists agree that carbon-burning technologies continue to make Earth warmer at an unprecedented rate. They warn that the consequences could drastically alter both the planet and human life. Already, ice packs in Greenland are rapidly disappearing, which, in turn, threatens the existence of hundreds of species such as polar bears and the traditions of whole societies such as the Inuit. The future looks even bleaker, as scientists continue to observe cascading effects on Earth’s complex ecosystems. "


Doomsday Clock 世界終末時計(Wikipedia)


プレスリリース / The Bulletin Online,15 January 2007
Clock Moves Forward Two Minutes(17 January 2007)

" Doomsday Clock : On January 17 at 14:30GMT(9:30ET) the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will launch a new web site and make a major announcement "

The Bulletin Online Volume 63, Number 1 / January-February 2007
-----cover image


« Global Warming Heat Wave? January Temps Hit Record Highs Across Northeast / クリッピング Democracy Now!(暖冬は、人為にあらず。自然現象なりと石油会社が宣伝したい理由) | トップページ | 2005年度食料自給率は40%、8年連続横ばい / クリッピング Japan for Sustainablility »


Prophet of Doomsday: Stephen Hawking, eco-warrior-----The Independent,21 January 2007
"In a world that is in chaos, politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?' So asked the most famous scientist on the planet, the newest recruit to the mission to save the Earth. "

投稿: 追加情報 ”エコ戦士”ホーキング博士の巻き起こした論争 | 2007/01/22 00:06



この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 世界終末時計は、2007年1月に”2分すすみ、5分前”で止まった:

« Global Warming Heat Wave? January Temps Hit Record Highs Across Northeast / クリッピング Democracy Now!(暖冬は、人為にあらず。自然現象なりと石油会社が宣伝したい理由) | トップページ | 2005年度食料自給率は40%、8年連続横ばい / クリッピング Japan for Sustainablility »