今年の言葉に「カーボンニュートラル」 米語辞書 / クリッピング イザ!
" 英オックスフォード大出版部の米語辞書「ニューオックスフォード・アメリカンディクショナリー」は13日、ゴア元副大統領らが地球温暖化防止運動で提唱する「カーボンニュートラル」を2006年の言葉大賞に選出した。07年初めに発行する改訂版に掲載する。 "-----イザ!、11/15
・Carbon Neutral: Oxford Word of the Year-----OUPblog,November 13, 2006
" Christmas lights are starting to go up, turkey recipes are being emailed around, and for most offices that means its time to order the holiday cards. At Oxford though, all these things signal a much more important moment, the announcement of THE WORD OF THE YEAR!
The rise of carbon neutral reflects the growing importance of the green movement in the United States. In a CBS News/New York Times Poll in May 2006, 66% of respondents agreed that global warming is a problem that’s causing a serious impact now. 2006 also saw the launch of a new (and naturally, carbon neutral) magazine about eco-living,..........
Erin McKean, editor in chief of the New Oxford American Dictionary 2e, said “The increasing use of the word carbon neutral reflects not just the greening of our culture, but the greening of our language. When you see first graders trying to make their classrooms carbon neutral, you know the word has become mainstream.” "
・The New Oxford American Dictionary Announces the Word of the Year: 'Carbon Neutral' -----PRNewswire,Nov. 13
今年の「Oxford Word of the Year」にカーボン・ニュートラルという言葉が選ばれた、昨年は、ポッドキャストだったようだ。アメリカのThe New Oxford American Dictionaryの2007年版にOxford Word of the Year 2006選出の言葉として掲載される。
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