WRI’s Lash Named “Warrior and Hero” By Rolling Stone Magazine (ローリングストーン誌、世界資源研究所長をWarrior and Heroに選出) / プレスリリース WRI(世界資源研究所)
" Jonathan Lash ended his days as a motorcycle enthusiast when his youngest daughter began to show a similar interest. These days, the president of the World Resources Institute still pours his enthusiasm into protecting people -- but now it's in the area of the fight against climate change.
Lash’s efforts were rewarded today when Rolling Stone Magazine named him to its list of 25 environmental leaders in the upcoming November 17 issue. The magazine posted its “Warriors & Heroes” list on its Web site today. "-----
World Resources Institute , November 3, 2005
”Warriors & Heroes
Twenty-five leaders who are fighting to stave off the planetwide catastrophe ”というのがこのリストの正式名称です。このリストに” The Road Warrior ”として名前があがったのが、ハイブリッド車などにより環境に貢献したとされたトヨタの奥田会長。
” Hiroshi Okuda, the chairman of Toyota, envisioned the need for a hybrid car long before history demanded it. In the 1990s, at a time when oil prices were hitting rock bottom and America's SUV market was exploding, Okuda greenlighted the engine technology that would usher in an era of fuel-efficient -- and eventually zero-emission -- cars. ”
・REPORT SERIES: World Resources 2005 -- The Wealth of the Poor: Managing ecosystems to fight poverty-----Text in PDF format
・世界資源研究所 最新の報告書で 貧困撲滅に向けて生態系管理を訴える-----EICネット、2005.08.31
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