2030年には、再生可能エネルギーは現在の3倍の規模。エネルギーの6%を担う規模になる - BP Energy Outlook 2030
この分析は、このほど発行されたBP Energy Outlook 2030からのものです。
同リポートの計算では、2030年の世界経済の規模は現在の2倍になります。まずもって、果たしてそれは可能なのでしょうか? BPの最新リポートは、Yesと答えています。それを支えるのは、シェールガスやタイトオイルといった非従来型の化石燃料だというのです。
あなたは、この楽観を受け入れることはできますか? さらに、水力と原子力は、その確固たる地位を維持するとも付け加えられています。2012年は、シェールガスなどの非在来型資源の可能性に関する話題に沸きました。しかし、その問題点もしだいに明らかになっています。
-----image(”The power sector leads primary energy growth”) : 「BP Energy Outlook 2030」Presentation slides より
-----image(”Fuel shares and energy prices”) : 「BP Energy Outlook 2030」Presentation slides より
・Emerging Economies to Lead Energy Growth to 2030 and Renewables to Out-Grow Oil, Says BP Analysis-----bp,19 January 2011
BP’s ‘base case’ projections are that world primary energy demand growth averages 1.7% per year from 2010 to 2030 although growth decelerates slightly beyond 2020. Non-OECD energy consumption will be 68% higher by 2030 averaging 2.6% per year growth, and accounts for 93% of global energy growth. In contrast, OECD growth averages 0.3% per year to 2030; and from 2020 OECD energy consumption per capita is on a declining trend of -0.2% per year.Transport growth is seen to slow because of a decline in the OECD. The region’s total demand for oil and other liquids peaked in 2005 and will be back at roughly the level of 1990 by 2030. Toward the end of the period, coal demand in China will no longer be rising and China is projected to become the world’s largest oil consumer.
OPEC’s share of global oil production is set to increase to 46%, a position not seen since 1977. At the same time, oil - and gas - import dependency in the US is likely to fall to levels not seen since the 1990s, because of improved fuel efficiency and the increased share of biofuels. Global consumption growth is also impacted by higher oil prices in recent years and a gradual reduction of subsidies in oil-importing countries.
The fuel mix changes over time, reflecting long asset lifetimes. Oil, excluding bio-fuels, will grow relatively slowly at 0.6% per year; natural gas is the fastest growing fossil fuel with more than three times the projected growth rate of oil at 2.1% per year. Coal will increase by 1.2% per year and by 2030 it is likely to provide virtually as much energy as oil excluding biofuels. The strong carbon policy drive in OECD countries risks being more than offset by growth in emerging economies.
Wind, solar, bio-fuels and other renewables continue to grow strongly, increasing their share in primary energy from less than 2% now to more than 6% projected by 2030. Biofuels will provide 9% of transport fuels and nuclear and hydropower will grow steadily and gain market share in total energy consumption.“The slowing of growth in total energy in transport is related to higher oil prices and improving fuel economy, vehicle saturation in mature economies, and expected increases in taxation and subsidy reduction in developing economies,” said Christof Rühl, BP's chief economist. “In percentage terms, oil demand is reduced the most in the power sector (-30%) because this is the easiest oil to displace with gas or renewables and is the sector most likely to employ carbon pricing.”
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BP Energy Outlook 2030 - Christof Ruhl
・週刊GreenPost 60号 2013/2/12-15日版 しなやかな技術研究会
・長野県環境エネルギー戦略 ~第三次長野県地球温暖化防止県民計画。小水力に注目中!-----ソフトエネルギー、2013/02/15
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