

Eyjafjallajökull New Eruption - Full HD Time Lapse - 2010/05/15 - 1080p / YouTubeから

(geophotography, 2010年05月19日)

" Full HD Webcam Movie of volcano eruption Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland / Island (1080p). This time lapse shows a strong eruption over a period of about 7 hours! It was a stormy day the 15th of May 2010.
Zeitraffer mit 300-facher Geschwindigkeit "

アイスランド噴火 ICELAND VOLCANO / YouTubeから-----自然エネルギー、2010/04/16

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アイスランド噴火 ICELAND VOLCANO / YouTubeから


Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption 8 June 2010

(YouTube : Rotterdamd,2010年06月08日)

YouTube : Rotterdamd-----Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption 24 May 2010 - 0032

Eyjafjallajökull New Eruption - Full HD Time Lapse - 2010/05/15 - 1080p / YouTubeから


アイスランド火山噴火 イギリス主要空港やオランダ・アムステルダム空港など閉鎖決定-----FNN News,2010/5/17

Could another Icelandic volcano erupt soon?-----BBC News,10 May 2010

" Katla is Eyjafjallajokull's more active neighbour... "

'No end in sight' to Iceland eruption, but less ash: geologist-----Google(AFP),May 11, 2010

欧州で空の便の混乱が続く=アイスランド火山の影響で-----WSJ.com,2010年 5月 10日

Ash cloud from Iceland volcano grounds another 500 flights across Europe-----TimesOnline,May 10, 2010



ICELAND VOLCANO: Awesome power of the fires of hell‎-----MailOnline Daily Mail,16th April 2010

HPA issues volcanic ash advice----- Nursing Times,16 April, 2010

Iceland Volcano Disrupts Global Air Travel

(AssociatedPress, 2010年04月15日)

" Air travel around the world was disrupted Thursday, as clouds of ash from a volcano in Iceland blew across northern Europe. Scientists warned that the problem could continue. (April 15) "

2010: METEOSAT views Eyjafjallajokull volcano ash (Eumetsat)


" The Meteosat-9 satellite observes the ash cloud from the volcanic eruption under Eyjafjallajokull Glacier in Iceland on 14 April 2010. Initially the cloud shows a distinctive black color, due to ice particles which initially mask the ash signature. As the cloud progresses eastwards the cloud takes a reddish hue, clearly indicating the presence of volcanic ash. "

NASA Sensors Providing Rapid Estimates of Iceland Volcano Emissions-----NASA Earth Observatory,April 7, 2010

Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano, Iceland-----NASA Earth Observatory,March 27, 2010

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