・スウェーデン:脱原発政策30年ぶり転換 小差で可決-----毎日jp,2010年6月18日
" 既存の原発の原子炉建て替えを認める法案を賛成174、反対172の小差で可決 "
・5/28 上映会後のトーク@聖心女子大-----ust:888earth on USTREAM. 市民
・Wikipedia : Nuclear power in Sweden
・スウェーデン、原発全廃から政策転換へ-新規建設も求める----- IBTimes,2009年02月06日
・Sweden makes U-turn on nuclear power-----Los Angeles Times,December 20, 2009
・Sweden Envisions an Oil-free Future(脱石油。高らかに宣言、スウェーデン) / クリッピング Renewable Energy Access-----ソフトエネルギー、2006/05/22
・NEDO 海外レポート(2007.3.22)テーマ特集:欧州の研究開発への取組(スウェーデンのエネルギー研究開発プログラム長期計画)ほかが公開されました / 資料-----ソフトエネルギー、2007/03/28
・駅利用客の体温をビルの暖房に、スウェーデン-----GreenPost -Heuristic Life -、2008/1/7
・イベント 9/7-10 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference(Sweden)-----自然エネルギー、2009/08/18
・The Government and the Government Offices of Sweden
/ Climate policy / Energy and climate
/ Energy: Generating power for a sustainable future
・Looking for new solutions to limit emissions-----Blogs -The official gateway to Sweden,2010/5/20
・Swedish Energy Agency-----2010-02-12 Sweden became net importer of electricity in 2009
" ..........The production of electricity fell by a over 8 percent to a total of 133.7 TWh in comparison with 2008. This is the lowest annual production of electricity since 2003. The production of electricity from hydropower fell by nearly 5 percent to 65.2 TWh and nuclear energy produced 50.0 TWh, which is a reduction of a good 18 percent as well as being the lowest production from nuclear energy since 1984. Production from wind power continued to increase however during the year by nearly 25 percent, to 2.5 TWh. Conventional thermal generating stations increased their production by 11 percent to 15.9 TWh.Exchanges of electrical power with other countries resulted in a deficit, i.e. net imports of approx. 4.7 TWh for 2009, which can be compared with 2008 when Sweden was a net exporter of 2.0 TWh........... "
・REN21Map / COUNTRY PROFILE - SWEDEN(関連)-----Status Report of Sweden
・UNEP : Emissions reduction pledges / EU-27(関連)
・World Resourece Instituge / EarthTrends: The Environmental Information Portal / Sweden
・Europe's Energy Portal
/ European commission : Energy policy for a competitive Europe
/ sweden / Sweden Renewable Energy Fact Sheet
" Country targets
The renewables targets are calculated as the share of renewable consumption to gross final energy
consumption. Renewables consumption comprises the direct use of renewables (e.g. biofuels) plus the
part of electricity and heat that is produced from renewables (e.g. wind, hydro), while final energy
consumption is the energy that households, industry, services, agriculture and the transport sector use.
The denominator for the RES share includes also distribution losses for electricity and heat and the
consumption of these fuels in the process of producing electricity and heat.
Swedish target: 49% (2005 = 39.8%) "
[ソフトエネルギー : 世界の自然エネルギー - index]
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・greenpost(@greenpost) - Twilog-----greenpost on Twitter
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