- Bill Gates' TED Speech 2010: 'We Need Energy Miracles'-----HuffingtonPost.com http://bit.ly/bqFqOG ; #renewworld #BillGates #renewableenergy posted at 03:16:54
- #Obama nuke plant loan reflects new energy strategy-----Yahoo! News(AP) http://bit.ly/b665Qw ; #nuclear #energy posted at 03:20:27
- Forecast: Electric Two-Wheelers Poised for Strong Global Growth; 9% CAGR Worldwide-----Green Car Congress http://bit.ly/cQ2ZHq ; #ebikes posted at 03:26:34
- Environmentalists Attack Solar-----Solar Feeds http://bit.ly/9zU6X7 ;MEMO"BrightSource Energy" #renewsolar #solarthermal posted at 03:35:19
- なるほどMEMO twitter verified’s lists http://twitter.com/verified/lists ; #renewmemo posted at 04:40:31
- @Astro_Soichi http://twitpic.com/130dtm - "View from Node 2 window. Background is Africa." トンネルを抜けると太陽の大陸だった posted at 04:54:34
- 追い込まれたフェリー業界/国の失策との批判も-----四国新聞社 http://bit.ly/c1ZCVp ;MEMO"1年足らずの間に6社7航路が撤退に追い込まれた" #renewjapan posted at 05:05:10
- #Olympics Neither Authentic nor Accountable-----Spirit Works Limited http://bit.ly/ctKXpE ;Ref- YouTube http://bit.ly/dCzG7V ; #FirstNations posted at 05:32:44
- #Olympics Met With Mixed Emotions By First Nations-----NPR http://bit.ly/9G9UqH ; #FirstNations posted at 06:00:09
- RT @BuffaloPost: "The world shining light on the First Nations' people." Olympic torch ends relay at First.. http://buffalopost.net/?p=6808 posted at 06:28:54
- 1070 following 1070 followers 107listed! http://twitpic.com/133jw4 posted at 10:42:27
- 鳩山政権の通信簿 2月14日 更新-----毎日jp http://bit.ly/cnxZcf ;コメ-Obameterのようなインパクトがほしかった。おしい! http://bit.ly/cC7vce posted at 11:07:40
- 先住民にも配慮したオリンピック-----自然エネルギー http://bit.ly/aS2J61 ; #renewworld posted at 12:00:11
- EU:09年の新設発電、風力が2年連続1位-----毎日jp http://bit.ly/bpYcAA ; #reneweu #renewwind posted at 14:54:01
- ソーラー農耕機3種類が完成 騒音低減、CO2無排出-----長崎新聞 http://bit.ly/9QBQHg ;MEMO"田中工機(大村市)が中心となって開発" #renewjapan posted at 14:56:23
- エキスポ・ソーラーが成功裏に閉幕、太陽光発電で熱気-----ファスニングジャーナル http://bit.ly/cr18Lj ;MEMO"サムスン電子は18%効率のc-Si太陽電池..初公開..LG電子は11・1%..薄膜太陽電池" #renewkorea #renewsolar posted at 15:01:18
- 環境支援型外債広がる 風力や太陽光発電に活用-----NIKKEI NET http://bit.ly/9Nqb3U ;MEMO"欧州投資銀行(EIB)は3月、ブラジルレアルや南アフリカランド建てなど4種類の外債を日本で発行する。" #renewjapan posted at 15:03:39
- The Day After Tomorrow Might Have Been Yesterday-----IPS North America http://bit.ly/bajIPE ; #climatechange posted at 15:08:34
- RT @GreenProgress:Most Prius owners stay loyal despite recalls http://bit.ly/cbWbmo <-- me too posted at 15:17:08
- Opinion: Climate Change Facts-----New York Times http://nyti.ms/9MCwXl ; #climatechange #cop16 posted at 21:28:25
- Obama Administration Creates New National Climate Service-----Environment News Service http://bit.ly/d5dfbW ; #climatechange #cop16 posted at 21:33:18
- NOAA Climate Portal http://www.climate.gov/ ; Energy & Climate Overview http://bit.ly/bp4t1h ; #climatechange #energy posted at 21:35:36
- UCSは、いい引用元ですね。ご苦労様です! RT @kei_sakurai:温暖化懐疑論に対するUCSによる反論、全文訳してみた。http://ks.nwr.jp/d/?date=20100214#p01 posted at 22:36:54
- Attacks on the Intergovernmental Panel on #ClimateChange Obscure Real Science-----Union of Concerned Scientists http://bit.ly/doKYX8 posted at 22:39:30
- Aquamarine Power Makes Riding the Waves More Interesting-Alternative Energy http://bit.ly/9Pw5aR ;参-ソフトエネルギー(20091202 ) http://bit.ly/5eS5zR posted at 22:54:01
- Reuters: Cap and Trade Worked in EU-----CleanTechnica http://ow.ly/17feG ; #carbon #energy posted at 22:56:17
- Delta warns of Dutch red tape delaying wind farms-----Reuters http://bit.ly/av8baO ; #renewableenergy #renewwind #renewNetherlands posted at 23:04:34
- ENERGY: Nuclear Does Not Make Economic Sense Say Studies-----IPS http://bit.ly/9XH0Es ; #energy #nuclear posted at 23:10:35
・greenpost(@greenpost) - Twilog---2010/2/14
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