Will America Lose the Clean Energy Race? / クリッピング WattHead
・Will America Lose the Clean Energy Race?-----WattHead,JULY 26, 2009
・Will America lose the clean-energy race?-----San Francisco Chronicle,July 27, 2009
" As Congress debates climate and energy legislation, Asian challengers are moving rapidly to win the clean-energy race. China alone is reportedly investing $440 billion to $660 billion in its clean-energy industries over 10 years. South Korea is investing a full 2 percent of its gross domestic product in a Green New Deal. And Japan is redoubling incentives for solar, aiming for a 20-fold expansion in installed solar energy by 2020.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/07/26/EDKH18UBUP.DTL#ixzz0MW7um6Ta "
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