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DOE - チュー : アメリカは、クリーン・エネルギーの活用で、世界の新産業革命をリードする


Renewable Energy Accounts for 13% of U.S. Electricity by April 2009-----Cleantechnica,July 17th, 2009

" Renewable sources of energy are beginning to replace coal power in the U.S.:
Every year the percentage of U.S. electricity generated from renewables has been increasing, according to the latest figures released by the Energy Information Administration in its Electric Power Monthly report.
.......... "


プレスリリース / U.S. Department of Energy,July 22, 2009
Chu: U.S. Can "Lead this New Industrial Revolution" in Clean Energy

" Richmond Times-Dispatch op-ed highlights economic opportunities in energy and climate bill
WASHINGTON, DC– The Wednesday, July 22, 2009 edition of the Richmond Times-Dispatch includes the following opinion piece from Energy Secretary Steven Chu:

Cleaning Up: Energy and Climate Bill Will Boost the Economy
Over the next few months, Congress will decide on historic energy legislation that would create a generation of clean-energy jobs here in America, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and prevent the worst effects of climate change. I believe passing a strong energy and climate bill is the single most important step we could take to secure our economic prosperity and leave a healthier planet for future generations.

The status quo on energy is unsustainable. Today, we import about 60 percent of the oil we use, which is a huge drain on our economy and which weakens our security. When we burn fossil fuels for energy, we emit enormous amounts of greenhouse gases, which have already begun to change our climate. Climate experts predict that, on our current course, the planet could be around 10 degrees Fahrenheit warmer by the end of this century. Such an increase could cause more frequent extreme weather events like droughts, heat waves, and hurricanes; rising sea levels and coastal erosion; serious agricultural losses and water shortages; and many other impacts in the United States.

There is no question that our energy habits need to change. The only question is whether we can turn this energy challenge into an energy opportunity.

Here is the future that I see.
.......... "

The Climate Challenge... and What's at Stake


Energy Information Administration : Electric Power Monthly reportJuly 2009 Edition

米エネルギー省、電力網の近代化に向け5700万ドルを拠出--スマートグリッドなどへ-----CNET News,2009/07/22

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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: DOE - チュー : アメリカは、クリーン・エネルギーの活用で、世界の新産業革命をリードする:

« 三洋、変換効率20%台の太陽光パネル 今秋に欧州で発売 / クリッピング NIKKEI NET | トップページ | アメリカ合衆国 / ブックマーク »