米政府、再生可能エネルギー開発に30億ドルの直接支援 / クリッピング 日刊温暖化新聞
プレスリリース / U.S. Department of Energy,July 9, 2009
・Treasury, Energy Announce More Than $3 Billion in Recovery Act Funds for Renewable Energy Projects
" Cash Assistance Will Increase Economic Development, Promote Renewable Energy Use Program Guidance Now Available to Businesses to Facilitate Swift Implementation
WASHINGTON – As part of an innovative partnership aimed at increasing economic development in urban and rural areas while setting our nation on the path to energy independence, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of Energy today announced an estimated $3 billion for the development of renewable energy projects around the country and made available the guidance businesses will need to submit a successful application. Funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act), the program will provide direct payments in lieu of tax credits in support of an estimated 5,000 bio-mass, solar, wind, and other types of renewable energy production facilities.“The renewable energy program provides another important avenue for the Recovery Act to contribute to economic development in communities around the country,” said Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. ”It will provide additional stimulus to economies in urban and rural America by helping to develop domestic sources of clean energy. This partnership between Treasury and Energy will enable both large companies and small businesses to invest in our long-term energy needs, protect our environment and revitalize our nation’s economy.”
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