ボストン6/24-AM9(JPN 6/24-PM22)エイモリー・ロビンズ氏バーチャルカンファレンスに登壇
世界最大のエネルギー関連のオンラインカンファレンスと銘打って、Virtual Energy Forumが開くインターネット講演会にソフトエネルギー・パスなどの著書で知られるRMIのエイモリー・ロビンズ氏が登場するということです。開始時間は、ボストン6/24 AM9:00から、サマータイムで日本から見て-13ということですから、日本時間6/24 PM22:00から公開されると思います。
・Virtual Energy Forum / Speakers / Amory Lovins
Founder, Chairman and Chief Scientist, Rocky Mountain Institute
" June 24th, 9:00 AM Presentation to My Calendar. "
プレスリリース / Virtual Energy Forum(PR Web),June 4, 2009
・VirtualEnergyForum.com Announces Additional Energy Experts to Speak at June 24-25 Online Sustainability Conference
" Dr. Len Sauers of Procter & Gamble, Allan Schurr of IBM and Leaders from Leading Universities Harvard, Brown, UC San Diego Confirmed to Speak at World's Largest Online Energy Conference
The Virtual Energy Forum (http://www.VirtualEnergyForum.com), the world's largest online conference dedicated to renewable energy, sustainability and energy-efficient practices in business, today announced additional confirmed speakers for its upcoming free event scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday June 24th and 25th. Noted speakers now include Dr.Len Sauers, Vice President for Global Sustainability at Procter & Gamble, who also leads the company's overall sustainability efforts. Mr. Sauers leads the Fortune 500 company's overall sustainability efforts and will discuss a chain system of innovation; from manufacturing, through distribution, to disposal, that has allowed Procter & Gamble to be successful in its sustainability efforts. In addition, Allan Schurr, Vice President, Strategy and Development IBM Global Energy and Utilities, will explain the great opportunity and advantage that comes from investing in smart grid technology.
.......... "
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) / Library
・City of Boston : It's Summertime!
・エイモリー・ロビンズ:原子力は気候変動を悪化させる-----Democracy Now Japan,2008.07.16
エイモリー・ロビンズ 原子力は気候変動を悪化させる
[クリッピング / 自然エネルギーの記事など]
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