

GE、6億ドルを投じ、2013年に米最大規模の400MW薄膜太陽電池 CdTe Thin Film 製造工場を建設へ

 GEが、4月7日に6億ドルを投じ、2013年に米最大規模の400MW薄膜太陽電池 CdTe Thin Film 製造工場を建設すると発表しました。発表時点でアメリカ最大規模のの薄膜太陽電池工場とのことです。完成すれば、年間生産量400MW規模となるようです。
GEは、CdTe(カドミウムテルル)薄膜太陽電池のプライムスター・ソーラー社 PrimeStar Solar の最大株主となるなどの動きを見せてきたが、今回の発表で、この膜太陽電池もCdTeを選んだことを発表したことで、次世代薄膜太陽電池への注目が集まりそうです。


プレスリリース / GE,April 7, 2011
GE Achieves Highest Publicly Reported Efficiency for Thin Film Solar, Earns New Orders and Unveils Plans to Build US Manufacturing Plant

GE's Solar Breakthrough

(GE's Solar Breakthrough

-----image : GE : Thin Film Solarより-----Solar_image

" ・Highest-Ever Reported Efficiency of Nearly 13 Percent on a Full-Size CdTe Thin Film Solar Panel ・More than 100 Megawatts of New Orders for Thin Film Solar Products ・GE to Build 400-Megawatt Manufacturing Facility, will be Larger than Any Existing US Solar Panel Plant Today ・Solar Strategy Complemented by Announced Acquisition of Power Conversion Technology Company Converteam ・GE Completes Acquisition of PrimeStar Solar, Inc.

GE (NYSE: GE) today announced that a full-size, thin film solar panel developed by the company has been independently certified as the most efficient ever publicly reported milestone for the technology. GE intends to manufacture the record-setting solar panels at a new U.S. factory that will be larger than any existing solar panel factory in the country today. When complete, the factory will highlight an expected $600 million plus investment made by GE in solar technology and commercialization and will be complemented by the recently announced acquisition of power conversion company Converteam.
The record-setting panel was produced on the PrimeStar 30-megawatt manufacturing line in Arvada, Colo. It was measured by the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) at a 12.8 percent aperture area efficiency. This panel surpasses all previously published records for CdTe thin film, which is the most affordable solar technology in the industry. Continually increasing solar panel efficiency is a key component of GE’s goal to offer advanced solar products while reducing the total cost of electricity for utilities and consumers. In fact, a 1 percent increase in efficiency is equal to an approximate 10 percent decrease in system cost.
GE also announced more than 100 megawatts of new commercial agreements for solar thin film products, including panels, inverters and total solar power plants. GE’s largest solar agreement to date is with NextEra Energy for 60 megawatts of thin film solar panels. Once deployed, the panels will help grow NextEra’s solar power portfolio, solidifying the company’s position as the largest generator of solar energy in the country today. NextEra also currently produces 4.5 gigawatts of renewable energy with GE’s wind turbines.
GE also has signed a 20-megawatt solar agreement with Invenergy for the supply of thin film solar panels and GE Brilliance inverters. Invenergy, a Chicago-based clean energy generation company, will install the solar products at a project site in Illinois. Invenergy recently executed a power purchase agreement for the project, which upon completion will be one of the largest solar installations in the state.
In addition to thin film solar panels, GE offers power electronics and pre-designed utility scale solar power plants for use in multi-megawatt applications. The recently proposed $3.2 billion acquisition of Converteam will add the company’s energy conversion technologies to GE’s solar offerings, further broadening GE’s portfolio.

Power electronics are critical to bringing renewable sources such as wind and solar into the mainstream, delivering economies of scale and providing stable connection to the grid. By adding Converteam technology, GE is well positioned to bring a broad range of integrated generators, converters and inverters to the wind turbine and solar plant sectors.
.......... "


 あとは、コストと本気度。GEがどこまで本気か? 注目しましょう。(t_t)


The Power of the Sun

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2009年から2010年への積残研究 その2 プロペラで走る車 Ventomobil




Aeolus Wind Race

(kuttengri,August 29, 2008)


InVentus - Ventomobil

(firstpioneer,August 28, 2008)


The Construction of the Ventomobil

firstpioneer,June 04, 2008)

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2009年から2010年への積残研究 その1

今年もかなりのボツネタがたまっている。これらを積残研究とし #積研_ #tsunken とかのタグでくくって年末年始のネタにしようかな。


China Plans World’s Largest Solar Power Plant-----Greentech Media,December 31, 2008

" At 1 gigawatt, the solar power plant in northwest China would be the world's biggest, but the timeline is a bit iffy at the moment. Construction starts next year. "


・おすすめサイト / Acting now for a positive 2018-----Forum For The Future

" Business leaders should see sustainability as an opportunity, act now and prepare for radical change despite the recession.
Acting now for a positive 2018 "

コメ-解読できずに、紹介できなかった記事と資料。今見直せば、興味深い。サイト、Forum For The Futureもいいサイトだ。
twitter GreenPost : UK, US invest in deep geothermal-----Forum For The Future

ソース / 2030年への5つのシナリオ-----エコビレッジへの旅、2008年10月21日

Smart Grid & Smart Cars-----ecoworld.com,2009/1/9

コメ-最近は、スマートグリッドの話がでても、多くの人がそれぞれ情報を集めている。しかし、1年前にはほとんど電気関連の仕事をしている人のあいだでも知られていなかった。スマートグリッドとスマートカー、今後はどのよううに発展していくのか? 冷静に、興味深く拝見するつもり。

アメリカ政府が世界にアピール! エネルギー省にワシントン最大のソーラー発電を-----greenz.jp,2009/01/21


The Combined Power Plant



ウェールズ北部沿岸が再生可能エネルギー発電所に -----駐日英国大使館、2008/12/15

" ウェールズ北部沿岸沖に、50万軒以上の家庭の電力を賄える、世界で二番目に大きな海上風力発電地帯を建設する計画にゴーサインが出ました。

Gwynt y Mor海上風力発電地帯は、ウェールズ北部沿岸沖にある3つの風力発電地帯と一緒になり、68万軒の家庭にクリーンかつグリーンな電気を供給するのに充分な発電を行なえる予定です。 "


Solar Energy Reality Check-----Huffingtonpost.com,January 15, 2009

" The global demand for energy continues to grow. In 2005, electric power plants produced 17,000 terawatt-hours; by 2030, global projections nearly double to 33,000 terawatt-hours. For perspective, a single terawatt-hour can power about 90,600 homes for an entire year. It takes 15 terawatt-hours to power Chicago each year. "



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